Chapter 13 ⭐️

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Naruto's eyes widen when he senses a certain chakra arriving in the warzone, only to let his jaw drop when she appears right in front of the large crowd of shinobi.

Her white hair flows behind her elegantly, her hands on her hips as she eyes the beast in front of them tells Naruto that she isn't intimidated in the slightest.

The rest of the ninja gape at the sudden presence of the princess who went rogue, all in too much shock to even process that she's really there, standing in front of them with her hands on her hips.

Maybe it's because she has yet to look back, showing her face to the rest of the shinobi, but they just can't wrap their minds around the fact that it's actually her!

"HEY UGLY, YEAH YOU, OVER HERE! MOKUTON: HOTEI TECHNIQUE!" She yells out, slamming her hand on the ground and creating a large rumble beneath the earth's surface.

All the shinobi could do is watch in weariness and amazement, still confused by her sudden appearance as she creates a number of gigantic wooden hands that erupt upward from beneath the ground, which then encircle and successfully restrain the ten tails.

The sizes of the wooden hands easily rival that of a tailed beast, so the shinobi alliance just gapes at the sheer strength which has just been presented to them by just one Kunoichi.

She takes a deep breath, slowly rising up from the ground before a literal army of shinobi start calling out her name.

"H-HARU HIME?!" She specifically hears some of the assumed leaf shinobi yell out, closing her eyes and smirking the slightest bit.

Ah, I always hated when they called me that! She thinks to herself.

Re-opening her eyes and staring down the presumed ten tails she just managed to take down for now, she cant help but use her sensory skills to see if Tsunade were near. To her shock and slight fear, she could only find a very light trace?!

"Well, those were so many hand signs, good thing it worked." She mumbled to herself, shaking the thoughts of Tsunade away for now before pivoting her foot and turning around to finally reveal her face to the entirety of the shinobi alliance which has graced the battlefield.

Everyone just stares at her expectantly, and she returns the stares just as silently. It's a tense moment, knowing really knowing Haru's true intentions of joining the battle despite helping them in the moment.

The Shinobi who have never come face to face with the world renowned rogue ninja gulp in slight fear, hearing the horror stories of the atrocities she committed throughout her time in the akatsuki; Rightfully so.

However, the ones who have come face to face with Haru, the leaf shinobi, especially her old classmates all look at her expectantly, waiting for some sort of clarification.

To be quite honest, she doesn't care much for the shinobi who aren't wearing the leaf headband as they dont know each other personally, so she instead looks around the large crowd in search of each of her former comrades.

"I'm missing one." She whispers, already having spotted all of her old friends including Sakura and Naruto except for one. Who the hell am I missing?! She thinks to herself before shaking off the thought.

She couldn't just stand there all day!

Awkwardly rubbing the back of her neck as she realizes that she now has to make a very public announcement, she flashes the crowd a sheepish smile.

"Hey guys good?" She asks, instantly feeling her own long hair fly backwards at the hoard of ninja screaming in her direction.

"HARU YOU IDIOT COME HERE SO I COULD SMACK SOME SENSE INTO YOU!" Ino screams, although the happy look on her face seriously contrasts her threatening words.

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