7- The Annual Start of Year Quidditch Game

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The five had made their way down to meet Ginny after she was cleaned up.

When Ginny came out she greeted Blaise with a hug and waved happily to everyone, they smiled back and started making their way to Lunch.

Ron and Harry watched them in the distance.

The six ate lunch, Hermione successfully avoiding Draco by talking to Pansy and Ginny about their lovely day in Hogsmeade yesterday. The boys talked amongst themselves, often listening to what the girls said to each other.

Draco had caught Hermione's eyes. She moved her eyes down to his arm, Draco saw and moved it under the table and glared at her. She glared back.

Draco hated feeling pitied on.

After they had eaten they went their separate ways. Hermione went to study with Pansy and Ginny before they had normal classes on Tuesday, and the boys headed to their rooms to study, they didn't see each other for the rest of the day.


Pansy had woken up early and had gotten changed in something light, since it was a very sunny day today. She was excited. Today was the annual Quidditch match and couldn't wait to cheer Theo on.

She jumped from Ginny's empty bed to Hermione's bed.

Ginny had already left to go over game plans with the Gryffindor team

"Wake. UP!" She yelled happily. Hermione groaned loudly.

"Come on! We have to cheer the boys on in an hour! They'd want us to be there. They're versing Ravenclaw, first match of the day!"

Pansy jumped from Hermione's bed to pack a small bag with snacks for her, Hermione and Ginny.

Ravenclaw was going against Slytherin, then a small break would commence, and then Gryffindor and Hufflepuff were up against each other. Then the two remaining teams would play against each other.

Hermione finished getting ready. She thought about Draco's arm, and brought some bandages with her to protect his arm. It would be too painful to heal an arm that looked like Draco's.

She made her way down to the common room with Pansy and it was empty, just a few first years and fifth years talking quietly. The rest were out eating their breakfast and were slowly making their way to the pitch.

Hermione and Pansy had made their way to the pitch and ate their own food. Ginny came up to them a while later and sat down, ready to watch the match against Slytherin and Ravenclaw.

Hermione had almost forgot, but she excused herself 30 minutes before the match, and went to find Draco. He was standing outside the changing rooms, putting on his gloves.

Hermione came up to him.

"Those materials aren't friendly if you're skin looks like it's already in shreds." Hermione whispered with her arms crossed.

"Like I care if it damages it even more." Draco said glaring at her, and tightened his gloves with his teeth. He wouldn't admit it, but his left arm had become weak, couldn't even tighten a measly glove, he thought bitterly.

Hermione grabbed him by his right hand and dragged him away to the bathroom, where no one would see his mark.

"Where are we going?" Draco demanded. He didn't resist from her hold and slid his fingers into hers carefully.

She didn't answer. She walked faster and had brought them to the sink in the bathroom.

She untied his gloves on his left hand and Draco pulled his hand away.

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