3- Hogwarts

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Draco heard obnoxious laughs. "Who the bloody hell is laughing so loudly?" He said under his breath, clearly annoyed, he could barely concentrate talking to Blaise and Theo.

Blaise turned and saw the girls laughing, with Pansy.

Blaise spoke, "They're laughing-" "-With PANSY?" Theo cut Blaise off in surprise.

Theo had to notice her appearance. Pansy looked pretty when she laughed.

"They look happy," Draco said.

"Now they're hugging?" Blaise said in a whisper, his face scrunched up.

"Reminds me of that time in that one alley way in Hogsmeade-" SMACK

Draco had shoved Theo to shut him up.

"HEY!" He said rubbing his arm. Blaise stifled a laugh.

"Yea yea, laugh it up, we'll see who's laughing in the end!" He raised his voice at Blaise.

Draco removed his attention from them, chuckling slightly, he saw the 3 girls were leaving happily together.

"Come on, we still need to get a lot of things for Hogwarts," Draco said. The two boys agreed and they left to get their things. They didn't see the girls for the rest of the day.


The three girls left together talking and laughing, while going to all the stores to get their items for school. They went their separate ways, promising to sit with Pansy on the train since she doesn't have any friends that are girls to sit with. A new trio was formed.


2 days Later

Draco had met up with Blaise and Theo on platform Nine and Three Quarters. They stood next to the wall, unnoticed. Theo leaning on it with Blaise and Draco standing on his sides, hands in pockets.

There was smoke in the air with chatter and children running about. Draco thought about how simple it was then. The three boys tried to go unnoticed, and so far they were doing alright. Draco did not want any trouble, just wanting to graduate and never see these people again. He wanted a house that was peaceful and isolated, and he'd die alone. That's what he had decided, and he accepted his fate. The Malfoy Family would end with him and it was for the best.

Then, he saw her, Hermione Jean Granger, beautiful she was, the girl he was forced to loathe. She was laughing with Pansy and Ginny. They looked over the moon to see one another, admiring each other's appearances and outfits, doing things teenage girls do. Blaise chuckled at this. Theo watched Pansy closely, his eyes had a hint of happiness within them. Pansy took the breath from his lungs.

"Alright, stop drooling mate, before she notices." Blaise laughed, waving his hand in front of Theo's face. Theo held Blaise's hand still, holding it tightly and kept looking, and he finally caught her dark eyes, captivated by them. Pansy shyly waved, a pretty smile on her face. She then turned her attention to the other boys and waved friendlily at them. She turned her attention back to a laughing Ginny who had caught the eyes of Blaise. Blaise knew she was one of a kind, he'd never met anyone who was brave like her. He smiled at her and waved slightly. She was going to be miserable for the next 5 months. His other hand was still held down by Theo and he quickly snatched it away, earning a cute laugh from Ginny.

"Look who's whipped now," Theo rolled his eyes at Blaise.

"Oh shove off," He replied, chuckling. Blaise had to admit to himself, Ginevra Weasley was stunning under the sun.

Hermione looked up from her trunk, she checked for the third time if she had bought everything. She heard Ginny and Pansy laughing and looked up to see where they were looking. She caught the eyes of Draco. Cold and still his eyes were, he straightened his back, his face motionless towards her. His clothes fitted him so well, and a black cloak hid his arms, which were in his pockets. He looked beautiful, but sad. She was surprised he didn't give her a face of pure disgust. She smiled slightly but removed it off her face when he didn't show any signs of returning it, he looked troubled.

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