4- Quidditch and the Ball

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Hermione looked at him, his face calm. She took his hand without a second thought. She held on tight and she descended the steps. They both let go and walked to their friends who were walking slowly in front of them without a word.

Blaise, Draco and Theo were walking behind Ginny, Hermione and Pansy. Draco's heart was beating against his chest. He couldn't believe he had done that, helped her. He was glad he was able to control himself when touching her in the carriage. But at least no one saw, and it felt good to help someone, especially her. Theo nudged him, wiggling his eyebrows grinning, "We all saw it, Dray," He said smiling, turning his head dreamily at the night sky. Draco looked to Blaise and Blaise nodded. Draco sighed.

"Why'd you help her?" Blaise said in a low voice. Draco didn't answer him, his gaze fixed on the floor.

"Whatever, sulk all you want. I told you this would happen and it's a good thing that it's happening!" He said slightly angry with a laugh.

"You seemed happy with Weasley," Draco whispered.

"Yeah, I was, I'm giving myself a chance, a chance at something special-" "-Well what happens when she finds out you chose her as your prize, for a bet?" He whispered loudly at Blaise, his eyes wide. Blaise stayed silent thinking.

There was a sight silence, Blaise was thinking hard.

"You don't get it, Draco. If I treat her like how she's supposed to be treated, like the only girl in my life, she won't mind when she finds out." He said hopefully.

Draco rolled his eyes, like life was that easy. Maybe for Blaise, never for Draco Malfoy.

"Glad I don't treat the girl I like as a prize," Theo muttered under his breath. Draco and Theo glared at him.


"Ron." Harry said irritated.

Ron was ignoring him since they had gotten out of their carriage and were now walking to the castle.

"Ron!" Harry spoke loudly.

"What?!" Ron said annoyed.

"You have no right to be mad at Hermione or Ginny for making a friend who just happens to be from Slytherin," He said loudly.

"I have every right-" "-You have no right!" Harry yelled, interrupting Ron, receiving a few stares from people around.

"You lost the right when you put your hands on Hermione, you lost the right when you betted Gin and Hermione away!" He huffed quietly, "You're not allowed to be mad anymore, you better hope we win the match against Slytherin, or any chances you have with Hermione are gone!" He spat. He walked faster ahead of Ron to the castle.

Ron was fuming. He knew he was going to win against Slytherin. Harry had suggested they lose the game against Hufflepuff, so that they did not have to verse Slytherin, and Ron became mad at Harry.

Ron was going to win, and nothing would stop him. "Maybe some liquid luck?" Ron muttered under his breath, a smirk appearing on his face. He trudged to the castle for the Headmistress' speech and dinner before sleeping.


Pansy, Hermione and Ginny made their way to the door and stood still, watching students standing around and walking past them. The three boys brushed past them.

Pansy was nervous.

"Come on then, we'll sit near the end of the Slytherin table, away from the Slytherins in our year!" Ginny said happily.

Pansy's face lit up, her face asking if they were serious. Hermione linked her arm with Pansy's and they walked to the front of the table, close to the stage where the teachers sat. Headmistress McGonagall smiled at them. She was glad people were not caring about which table they sat on. She rose up and started her speech. It took a while but the next few words caught the 3 young girls' attention.

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