2- Diagon Alley

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Ron turned the corner with Harry angrily at his heels. He didn't pay any attention to Harry and continued walking when he suddenly felt a shove. Ron turned around and saw Harry.

Harry looked livid, he looked deadly and his fists were clenched tightly at his sides.

"How could you?" Harry said, just under a yell.

"Harry, we don't have time for this, we need to go train harder than ever, call the Quidditch team and have them meet us at the Burrow, if the girls ask just say we were bored out of our minds." Ron said quickly, but not before Harry punched him, breaking his nose.

"What the bloody hell was that for?!" Ron winced holding his nose.

"You know exactly what it was for!" Harry spat at him." And I'm not telling them, you are!" He said angrily inspecting his fist.

"I'm not telling them because we'll win, and they'll never know what we did today." Ron decided out loud to himself. Harry tried arguing but Ron already had apparated to the Burrow to fix his nose up. Harry went after him and could not find Ron, assuming he just went to his room, Harry went to his room without any interruptions seeing as the house was empty. He thought over the events that just happened. It was absurd. He was knocked out as soon as his head hit the pillow.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the house, seventeen year old Hermione and sixteen year old Ginny were in Ginny's room, talking and laughing amongst themselves, not a care in the world about Harry or Ron.

Ginny laughed as Hermione danced and jumped around Ginny's room. Hermione was always a bit crazy around the people she felt comfortable with and it made Ginny grateful to have a friend like her. Ginny soon joined in and they slow danced together, prancing about.

"I'm tired!" Hermione exclaimed flopping down on the floor where they had placed pillows. Ginny joined her and they looked up at the roof. Ginny had a poster of a shirtless Quidditch player stuck to the ceiling. Hermione rolled over laughing after about 2 minutes of staring at the poster with Ginny in silence. Ginny soon followed and laughed.

"Honestly Ginny! Who even is that?" Hermione said in the pillow her head was buried in.

"I don't know I saw the poster in Hogsmeade and fell completely head over heels for him!" She fluttered her eyelashes playfully at Hermione who shoved Ginny while laughing loudly.

Hermione was grateful for a friend like Ginny and grateful they made it through the war, together.

"Children! Dinner is ready, come down now!" Molly called from downstairs. The only people in the home were Ron, Harry, Ginny, Hermione, and Molly, Arthur being busy with muggle technology, and getting the Ministry back in order after Voldemort's reign. The rest of the Weasley clan were out with their friends, catching up with them.

Hermione and Ginny hurried downstairs, hungry, and met up with a sad looking Harry and a smug looking Ron, who had a bloody tissue hanging from his nostril.

Hermione sat down with Ginny with Ron and Harry across from them. "What happened to your nose?" Hermione asked and Ginny laughed. Ron glared at Harry then Ginny. "You wanna take it outside Ginny?" Ron dared her.

Harry interrupted, "Don't mind him, he's just angry that he fell off of his broom." Harry awkwardly laughed it off and Molly came in with all the food, saving Harry from anymore questions. Ron huffed and Harry rolled his eyes at him, Hermione and Ginny caught on but didn't ask any further.

They continued eating and then headed up to sleep. Never speaking of the topic of Ron's nose again.

* A few months later * January 27th

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