13- Detention Pt 2

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"I'm not yours, you can't do what you like with me, and if you run after me, to take me back, I simply would not come with you." She said, getting up, but he shoved her down again.

He looked crazy.

"Of course I'd come after you, you're my time of day." He tilted his head to the side. "And I'm yours."He struggled to whisper.

She stayed silent. His grip went tighter.

"Why aren't you saying it back?" He demanded, confusedly.

"I'm not going to throw that phrase around, and then have you ditch me the next day!" She pushed him away roughly and he looked horrified.

She put her hands on her hips and looked down on him.

"What? You thought I was that easy? That you could win me over because you're hurt and injured?" She said, anger building up with each word.

"Weren't you just begging to have me let you stay?" He muttered. He stood up wincing, and leaned against the wall for support.

"You don't get it!" She said angrily.

"No! You don't get it!" He retorted.

Meanwhile above in the ventilation system, Theo, Blaise, Pansy and Ginny listened in.

"Who's idea was it to freaking break them out again?" Blaise whispered angrily. "My body still hurts you know!"

"All of ours! Come on they're our friends!" Ginny said. "And you'll feel better soon, it's your fault anyway, making this bet." She said irritated.

Hermione stopped screaming at Draco and suddenly looked out the window, like she was controlled by someone. She snapped out of it, and turned slowly to face Draco.

"Why.. You.. You didn't fight back, so that he could make you bleed and beat you badly, because you expected me to come and comfort you!" She yelled at the top of her lungs, pointing her finger accusingly at him.

Draco's heart froze and he took steps back slowly, but he bumped into the wall behind him.

"And you just watched it happen." He said in a low voice.

"And it worked!" She said putting her arms in the air.

He suddenly had a burst of confidence, "I told you, you'd always come running." He spat at her.

"Why are you making this difficult for us?" She said confused. "I thought I was your time of day, why aren't you working to fix us?"

"It would all be fixed if you just said it back! " He yelled.

"Aww." Ginny and Pansy whispered at the same time.

"They have like, they're own little cute thing." Ginny whispered in awe.

"We can have our own cute little thing?" Blaise whispered in her ear.

"Their own toxic little thing." Theo muttered.

Ginny was about to whisper something back but they were drawn to the fight below them.

"Then start acting like you care, then maybe I'll say it back!" Hermione yelled louder at him.

"Maybe?" He said above a whisper.

She went for the door but realised it was locked, and banged on the door angrily.

She sighed and lay her forehead against it, and turned around to face Draco.

It was silent.

"Go on then, sit on the chair so I can mend you." She said pointing to the chair. Draco smiled and happily went to sit, which made Hermione angry.

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