With quick steps he hurried to the stairs and glanced down to see two guys in the entrance hall.

"Hey Piggy!" Minho yelled loudly at Changbin who was quick to find him staring at them.

"You little bitch. I told you to not call me like that!" He snapped back and Hyunjin next to him started giggling and brushing his long blond hair out of his face.

"Whatever, piggy." Minho just shrugged waiting for them to come upstairs.

"You should treat your friends with more respect!" Hyunjin yelled after him before pulling the shorter one by his arm to head after Minho.

The latter was already sitting inside his room on his sofa when the two others entered.
Actually, he knew both of them since they were children because their parents were business partners of his.

Hyunjin was a model and actor, his face being popular due to the many jobs he was recieving.
Changbin on the other hand was soon to be CEO of an IT company that produced video games. To be honest Minho would have rather worked there but business was business and he couldn't decide what he wanted to work as in his future.
Minho's family did both entertainment and fashion business but they also owned some research centers and international production companies for various stuff.

"Sooo, what's the plan for the party?" Hyunjin started and Minho kept explaining in detail what they'd have to decorate and when everything would start and end, which live band was performing, who was invited and so on. Of course he couldn't handle all of this organisation by himself, that's why he discussed it with his friends.

"So you plan on helping the house keepers with decorating tomorrow before noon?" Changbin repeated and gave a questioning look to his friend who was leaning lazily against a window now.

"Not exacly helping but more like giving orders and making sure everything is perfect." The boy explained earning a sigh from both of the others.

"You'll never change, will you?" Changbin chuckled making Minho glare at him.

"I can never trust what these people are doing! Especially the new assisstant I got, he is really suspicious with his weird behaviour and the fact that he can't talk!" Minho blurted out before thinking.

"Wait, you have a new assistant?" Hyunjin repeated in disbelieve and Minho nodded hesitantly when realizing what he had just said.
'Why did I get so worked up about it?'

"And he hasn't been fired yet? Damn, that's an achievement." The tall male added letting his eyes wander around the room.

"Seems like you don't like him much though lmao. Where even is that dude?" Changbin asked starting to get amused by the way Minho acted all pissed. His trust issues with new people was like a nonstop comedy show sometimes.
Before Minho could answer Hyunjin quickly interrupted.

"Oh. And you said he can't talk, what does that mean?"

"Why are you even interested in him? He is just an unimportant assistant with no qualities, nothing more.
And yes, he currently can't speak and don't even ask because I have no idea why. Today he is sick so he is not working." Minho didn't even breath during his sentences and stared at his friends in annoyance. Only the thought of Jisung made his day even worse than it already was... he didn't want to talk about that guy.

"Well, I guess you are right..." Changbin sighed.
"Seems like a boring old dude to me." he stated and crossed his arms behind his head making Minho roll bis eyes.

"He is not even that old, actually two years younger than me. That's why he is extra suspicious." he furrowed his eyebrows while Hyunhin and Changbin were giving each other a weird look.

"I guess we'll see him tomorrow then." Hyunjin shrugged and let himself fall on the floor to grab a play station controller.

"Who wants to lose?"


Jisung's day had felt to him like an eternity. He couldn't really fall asleep nor did he have enough strength to get out of his bed and it was killing him. Even the talk that he had with Chan didn't help his condition much. The other kept saying that being able to cry was the first step to accept but it felt like the opposite. Jisung would rather feel nothing that constant depression and sadness.

Chan had also said that especially now he needed distraction and a way to calm down and focus on his inner feelings and emotions. He needed to understand himself before he could change something about his condition but that was where Jisung struggeled.

It was always the question where he belonged now, what kind of person he was now. Other people, different place and yet he couldn't identify himself with any of this. So how was he going to be distracted?

Later in the afternoon apparently Felix had asked to see the boy but his aunt send him away saying he couldn't risk his health. Jisung still didn't get why the younger brother came in the first place. It made no sense to him because there was nothing to see inside his bedroom...

Whatever, the next day came slowly yet the night felt fast to him when he woke up somewhen at 5 in the morning.

His aunt was already standing infront of the coffee machine, noticing that her nephew was awake and quickly headed toward him, squatting down and making him measure his temperature.

"Thank god, the fever is gone." She sighed in relieve while Jisung rubbed his eyes. Actually, the headache from yesterday was gone and was able to slowly stand up from bed although he still felt weak.

"Oh Jisung, you should still rest for a day. It might get worse if you overdo it." Dahyun worried and wanted to put him down again about he held his hands infront of his chest with a weak smile before grabbing his phone and typing.

'I want to work today.' He simply said making his aunt give him a concerned look. But Jisung wouldn't stay in this room any longer. If he was alone he was constantly faced with his memories and emotions so even if it was his shitty job, at least there was something to distract him.

With a last warning his aunt finally agreed.

"Alright, but please don't overwork yourself. We don't want you to faint, do we?" She gave him a playfull smile and handed him a cup of coffee along with a croissant filled with strawberry jam.
Hesitantly he took both.

"And you are going to eat that in front of my eyes, all right? And make sure to drink enough and maybe take some more medicine." She added leaving her nephew no other choice but to listen to her.

3 hours later after helping in the kitchen and taking a shower he was already on his way with a small tray with 5 Sets of breakfast on them. But instead of Minho's room he had to bring it to another room with about the same size that was apparently for sleepovers or guests, since it had an extra dining table, a sofa and a bathroom along with many of these futuristic furniture pieces that could transform from a shelf to a bed.

Jisung was also told that there would be two of Minho's friends along with Felix and Seungmin in that room and he was supposed to wake them if necessary and help them with some plans that Jisung had no idea about. As long as it kept him distracted it made no difference.

Careful not to make too much noice Jisung pushed the door knob but then all of a sudden the door opened on it's own revealing a person in their baby blue pajamas. Startled, for a second Jisung took a step and stared at the person for just a bit too long.
The guy had colored blond long hair that was messily covering half of his face as he rubbed his eyes sleepily before taking a look at Jisung.

At that moment time seemed to have stopped between the two.

Everything that had went through Jisung's head just a moment ago was completely flipped now that he saw this person's face. It was just so completely out of context suddenly crossing paths with him again so he didn't know how to feel.

He did never want to meet Hwang Hyunjin ever again because the guilt that was overwhelming Jisung as he looked into his eyes was exactly what he feared.

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