Chapter Nine

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"What the fuck are you doing to that poor girl, Clarke?"

Daniels voice rings from the front of the west wing dorm entrance. Startling me so much that I end up dropping Ronnie back into her seat. I whip around to face a smirking Daniel.

"You scared the hell out of me and I accidentally hit Ronnie's head on the centre console!" I shout, but Daniel just chuckles and the noise sends vibrations through my body.

"Chill. I didn't mean to scare you."

"What are you doing here?" He was just at the jock or football house or whatever the fuck they call it, I can't think right now. Why would he need to come to the dorms this late?

"Not that it's any of your business, but I'm here to see my cousin and pick up my dog, Molly."

"Uh, a dog in the dorms?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Yeah but keep quiet about it. Elena can get into trouble if she's caught with a dog in her dorm even if it was just for a few hours while the party was on." He shifts from one foot to the other and looks around the car park then back at me. He's uncomfortable talking to me. And I don't blame him. I don't know what it is about us, we are just weird around each other.

"Oh, sure don't worry about it." I turn towards Ronnie again and try to lift her one last time but it proves difficult considering I can't lift her dead weight and Because I can feel Daniels eyes burning into my back.

"Here." Daniel gently pushes me out of the way and lifts Ronnie into his arms, bridal style.

"Consider this an apology for scaring you, now lead me to your room before I go get Molly." He raised a brow and tapped his foot expectantly while acting as though Ronnie's weight has no effect on him.

Ronnie's dead asleep so I don't argue because there is no way I would get her out of the car myself so I just roll my eyes, lock Ronnie's car and head towards the dorms.

The halls are seemingly empty. People are most likely out partying, probably at the one I just came from considering it felt like the entire college was there, even though it was invite-only.

We get to the door but I take my time with the key considering Ronnie's car keys have an unnecessary number of keys on it and I have no idea which is for the dorm.

"Hurry up, Clarke, you're literally so slow. Ronnie is mumbling shit about her bed." He groans like a child.

"Hey, chill out I'm going as fast as I can." I reply, a smile tugging my lips.

"Oh no, I lost where I was up to with the keys, great. Now I have to start over." I play off coy and shrug my shoulders. My acting is top notch tonight. I didn't actually lose where I was with the keys, I just wanted to piss Daniel off a little.

He groans and shifts Ronnie's weight. I laugh and grab the last key and swing open the door.

Note to self — that is her dorm key.

Daniel strides in and carefully places Ronnie on the bed I pointed to.

"There she's safely tucked away, protected from any harmful shit you did to her in the car." His head falls back as he laughs. A sight that makes me tingle from head to toe.

"Ha, Ha. Very funny." I take my jacket and shoes off so I'm just in my white dress, still somewhat wet from the drinks splashing around in that makeshift dance floor in the football house living room.

I look to Daniel when he's gone all quiet. His gaze on me but flickers to around the room at the exact second, I caught him.

I walk over to Ronnie and Daniel breaks the silence. "Didn't realise you lived in the west wing dorms. Thought this space was only for sophomores."

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