Chapter Twenty Eight

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It's dark by the time we leave the dorm, nearing almost 9pm.

Strutting down the path next to me is Ronnie, in her Wonder Woman superhero costume. She raved on and on about us going as superhero's to this stupid Halloween mysterious party, so I was roped into being black widow. Not that I'm complaining, I love black widow. Back in middle school, I would be holed up in my little cubby in the attic back home and read the marvel comics for hours on end. Until of course Zoey came over to push my ass out of the house because she was sick of me being "unsociable" or whatever.

That's the only reason why I agreed to going to this weird ass party in the first place, so I could live out my childhood dream of becoming black widow herself. Of course back then i didn't realise how provocative she actually is. This black suit is skin tight, sticking me to like a second skin.

I wasn't that keen on going when I first saw it after I ordered it but then Ronnie being Ronnie, changed my mind and told me to be confident. Even if my curves are super evident in this costume.

Elena is on my other side. She didn't come as a superhero like us, instead she's dressed up like Cleopatra with a sleek straight black bob wig and numerous shiny jewellery complimenting her white and baby blue gown. She looks gorgeous in it.

"Are you guys excited?" Elena bounces around beside me.

"I am very excited. Especially for the booze! These goddamn assignments have been killing me lately." Ronnie says, exasperated with the thought of our piled up assignments that need to be done.

I for one have been especially busy lately. Between school work, shifts at Godfathers and being a TA, it's all hard work. I barely have time to breathe. Thank god I've got this weekend off to relax.

"Tell me about it. At least you will let loose tonight and have some fun! These parties are always a hoot!" One thing I've noticed about Elena is that she speaks like an old lady at times and it always makes me giggle.

"Speaking of that, tell me your secrets, woman! I know you're hiding something from us. The sly way you told me about this party and then when I showed you my invite you had a mischievous smirk on your face. Tell me what's in store for us." I giggle out, the few shots I took before leaving the dorm have definitely already gone to my head.

"I can't! You know I can't tell you."

"Please?" Ronnie adds in. "Come on, I wanna know what to expect."

Lights and thumping music ahead catch our attention. We are nearly at the football field. Elena sighs deeply, somewhat relenting. "Fine, I'll give you a hint. Not many freshman were invited tonight. Usually the football team and maybe a hand full of girls but it's basically a fazing ritual for the new freshman that the upperclassmen are associating with. You girls are associated to Daniel and Shawn, that's probably why you were invited."

A goddamn fazing ritual? What the hell does that mean?

"I can't tell you any more. It'll be fun you're in no danger but every year freshman are fresh meat and it's all about scaring them. You'll be fine. Just go with it." A spark shines in her eyes but she doesn't give us time to respond to her ominous statement.

We head onto the field. The first thing I see are massive stakes in the ground surrounding the huge group of what I suspect are mostly upperclassmen. Tiki torches surround us as well and music blasts from massive speakers on both sides of the field with a dias looking stage thing that holds a DJ booth. They really went all out tonight.

From Me to UsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora