the meeting

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Warning this chapter will contain spoilers for the manga book number 15"

Shigaraki opened the duffel bag and put his hands on it. He threw the duffel bag in the alley, and you met up with a man in a bird mask, with a white raincoat on.

After an hour's walk, you enter a mostly empty room, all it had was two couches facing each other, and a glass table. A person was sitting on the couch. He had dark brown hair and he wore a black suit with the sleeves rolled up. He was wearing a scarlet red bird bead mask, with yellow designs on it. Beside him sat a small human thing that looked like a stuffed animal, but it was alive no doubt.

"Not big on decorating your office, huh," Shigaraki spoke

"I don't like cluttered spaces," the man says

"We've been Wandering around these underground tunnels for half an hour. Way to make your guests feel like ants! Is every Yakuza hideout as bizarre as this one?

"We can never be sure who's watching or what a guest might be thinking" He eyeballs you "so we've got multiple underground routes. This reception room is quite well hidden." The small stuffed animal cuts in after him. "We've survived as long as we have thanks to the intricate setup. So! About your call, the other day did you really mean it? You'll really join us depending on the terms?!"

"That's a nice way of putting it." He flops on the couch; you just politely sit down. "You guys wanna use our name, and we wanna expand our influence. We both have something to gain here." He says while putting his foot on the table.

"Take your filthy foot off of my table." He looks annoyed.

"Mr. Boss, you should really be more polite and say something like "Please remove your foot." Show some humility. Anyways first off, we aren't working under you. We're gonna do what we want, when and how we want. We'll be equals. So, let's be friends and help each other out."

"Is that your condition?"

"One more thing . . . This plan you mentioned explains it. It's only natural to include us" he points to himself and you "After all, I hafta decide if it's worth lending you our good name. Especially because" he reaches into his coat pocket suddenly the man in the big coat has a gun up to Shigaraki's head and is holding you in a tight headlock which is making it hard to breathe. You claw at his arm but to no avail. The stuffed animal tried to activate his quirk, but it failed, he held Shigaraki's neck down with his sheer body weight.

The man in the coat starts talking" You're really full of yourself, aren't you? YOU THINK YOU CAN TELL US WHAT TO DO?!" The stuffed animal popes into the conversation "WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE, YOU LITTLE PUNK" 

"Would you mind letting go of him/her/them/it, I don't think they can breathe?"

"SHUT IT OR I'LL LAY A BULLET THROUGH THE BITHCES HEAD" his grip around your throat tightens as he talks, completely cutting off your airway.

"You're the one to talk to. Your two-bit Yakuza meat shield was hardly an equal trade for our dearly departed big sis. Plus, that arm you took. We're gonna need compensation for that, or this deal is a no-go."

"Chrono, Mimic back off. Our guests took the time to come here after all. Let's hear them out. He was in the middle of something." They let go of the both of you, you cover your face with your jacket and start panting and coughing. Shigaraki pats you on the back and keeps talking.

Shigaraki pulls out a small tube with a needle on the end of it and holds it up for everyone in the room to see "It's all got something to do with this, right? Right after you stuck this little thing into him Mr. Compress was unable to use his quirk. So, what are these? What're you planning to do with them? Tell me."

I'm going to destroy the way things are. They say all for one stole quirks to gain power. I'm taking that method and changing it up a bit. And we're planting the seeds of change throughout this country. Little by little, we're laying the groundwork for the plan."

After the meeting is about to end

"Well that will be all for today, come on player 2 we have to leave now." He stands up and you walk over beside him.

"Wait . . .  I have one more deal to offer you. . . I'll send you a fresh batch of quirk suppressant bullets in exchange for your little pet over there. They intrigue me with their quirk. I saw how it had an effect on everybody in the room."

Shigaraki turns around to face the man. He hesitates but speaks "I'm sorry but that option isn't available. They're already a part of my party, and I don't think I'm ready to give them up for some high-tech quirk suppressant. And I've become quite fond of them"

"Yes, I can see that" He stares at your neck, which has a few deep purple hickeys.  "So be it, but just remember if you try to cross me. You wouldn't want to see what would happen if my hand was to accidentally slip, and my quirk was to activate on its own. Now would we"

"Don't worry, I'll make sure that never happens."

The person in the coat walks you back out of the hideout. You both were walking back to the league, and it was quiet until you broke the silence "You hesitated" you said aloud.

"What?" he asks you

"You hesitated, does that mean you were considering his offer" your tone was grimace and sad, but it was met by laughter? "Oh player 2 you crack me up, I don't think I would trade you for the world much less a weapon. I was just making him think he had a chance. So, get that thought out of your mind." You smile and the butterflies that were in your stomach earlier returned, you felt giddy and smiled. You enjoyed skipping back to the bar with Shigaraki.

Shigaraki's pov:

I watch them skip on the sidewalk beside me and I give a small smirk. The memories of the past several months came to me and I reminisced until I stopped on a certain one from this morning. It was when I walked in on them It wasn't the fact that I saw you shirtless it was because You looked skinny, too skinny. I let this thought linger on my mind for a few hours while we walked back.

♥ [Stockholm romance] a Tomura Shigaraki ♥ x  𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣Where stories live. Discover now