his past pt2

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"I had to live on the streets. The heroes never bothered to take a second glance at me. They never helped. But one day a tall man in a black suit who claimed to be a villain said that he would help me. From that day forward he trained me and raised me as if I were his own. He told me that the hero's philosophy was flawed. and that they were only in it for the money and fame. They were all fake. I believe  him after what the heroes did to me, I never forgave them. All for one gave me everything that I desired, everything I needed, and now I work under him. He is my boss. These hands I wear are molds of my dead family's hands. I wear them as a reminder " Shigaraki finished talking and you looked up at him.

You give him a look of remorse. and confusion.

"It looks like we've talked enough for today. He quickly gets up and walks out the door before you have anything else to say.

You stare up at the ceiling of your room, your thoughts betrayed you as you listened to them. "Maybe he isn't that bad. He just was lead down the wrong path, because nobody but a villain bothered to help him.

Is he really not as bad as I think he is, you start to feel guilty for judging him.

What am I thinking ?!! He kidnapped me. Of course he is bad, but he only did it to fulfill a dream of a better world.

You raise your fists and hit the pillow in front of yourself. Why couldn't you make up your mind

he can't be




at the same time right?

♥ [Stockholm romance] a Tomura Shigaraki ♥ x  𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣Where stories live. Discover now