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You stepped back a little terrified as the banging on the door grew louder. You tripped over your own feet for a second before bolting to the back part of the hideout.
You looked over to all of the closed hardwood doors your thoughts raced. "My room? No, nowhere to hide in there. The other rooms? Not only chairs and desks in there. Where the fuck do I hide?" You grew frantic and a  sweat formed on your forehead.

The banging on the door was getting louder, *snap* the wood on the door made a snapping sound, " S H I T" whoever was there just broke the front door. You ran to the end of the hall and opened the door with a sign over it that read "class S-1" in noticeable red paint.

You opened the door and slammed it shut. You were in that room just the other day. It had off-the-floor bed rug shelves filled with sorts of toys, and books. There were two desks with computers on top of them.
You dive to the ground and hid as far back in the mess underneath Shigiraki's bed. You were poked by sharp objects, and other things such as dirty clothes were more comfortable to lay on.

You could hear booming footsteps stomp down the hall slowly. You clasped your hands over your mouth, in fear that you would accidentally scream or let whimpers slip from your lips. It went quiet for a minute. * bang clink, clink thud* the sound of a door being kicked down reverberated through the empty halls.
The footsteps continued down the hall again and the process repeated itself about 5 to 6 times before the footsteps came oddly close to the door of Shigiraki's room.

You realized what was about to happen and you clenched your whole body a few loose tears slipped down your cheeks.
The hinges on the door fell onto the ground and rolled towards you. You stared at the doorframe as a pair of brown fancy shoes tapped on the floor.
Size 12 men's shoes.
You took note of a few details.

The feet took slow steady steps around the bed. You held your breath fear welling up inside of you. The feet lingered over beside the desk, suddenly the feet started moving and more of the person's body came into view. He was crouching to look under the desks.
Short sort of spikes white hair, long white lab coat. Black pants.
The person got on their hands and knees and looked. You moved your foot the slightest. And it made a quiet noise. Not quite enough apparently. The man whipped his head around and stared intensely at you. His face seemed unfazed.

He had pale skin and pointy eyebrows. Grey eyes, very grey lifeless eyes. You closed your eyes tightly knowing about what was going to happen next but it didn't. The man stood up and you could hear him walk out of the room.

You kept your eyes closed and when you couldn't hear anything you slightly opened your squinted eyes.

You didn't dare move your head or body a single inch still shaken. You let out the smallest sigh. All within milliseconds, you were friendly gripped by your ankles and pulled out from underneath the bed. "Ahhhh" you screamed out scared for your life. A shadow looked over your body. You quickly flipped from off of your stomach to look at the man behind you...
The second he was inside of your view you store down the barrel of a metal pistol. You tried to collect more details about the man. He had a trank gun and a black stitched bird mask on a belt that was fastened around his waist. You had never seen him before, but the closes and mask he carried with him seemed familiar. That was about all you could see before your eyes flicked back to the barrel.

"We can do this 1 of 2 ways, the easy way for you or the easy way for me."

"You could come quietly with me without any struggles or arguments."
"I could shoot you with this regular bullet, and then load my tranquilizer gun with 2 bullets one which will disable your quirk for an amount of time and the other to make you fall asleep."

"You decide"

You look to the side trying to think of what to do, you couldn't go with him, but you also had to go with him or you might get killed.

You suddenly got an idea. You reached your hands under the bed making sure that it didn't look suspicious. "I um- I-I'll go with you, but only on one condition."

"And what might your condition be?"
"C-can I write a letter to the League so they wont't come after me.?" He raises an eyebrow at your request but nods. " if that's all you wish than proceed."

You stand up slowly with your hands up near your face, he was still pointing the metallic gun at you. You scooted over to the desk right beside you both. You slowly turned around and scrambled through the drawers of the desk. You pull out a ripped slip of paper and grabbed a pen that laid on top of the hard wood.
You started slowly scribbling down words. Without any warning you felt the cold tip of the gun press against your back.

You slightly arched your back scared that any second he would pull the trigger. You finished the letter and ended it with " Warmest love by Y/n" "goodbye!" You doted the exclamation Mark. And slowly picked up the letter. You folded it I half and then once more. You slowly set it down and grabbed something beside the paper.

You turned on your heal and flipped around. You slammed a glass panel on top of the mans head. You felt the glass shard fling past and directly at you.

The man dropped his gun and puts both of his hands on the top of his head. It looked like it really hurt, of course it did It was supposed to.

You bolt past the man and into the main part of the building. Your head shot from area to area searching for the phone Shigiraki left for you, in case anything happened.You ran to the table that the tv stood on, and picked up the small flip phone. You frantically switch between the paper with the phone number and the key pad with the white numbers.
The dial started ringing.

*stomp stomp stomp* you turned around and saw the man bolting for you.

You scrambled over to the opposite side of the room to try and get some distance in between you both. You caught only a glimpse of his face. It boiled with rage, and his monotone expression now filled to the brim with anger. He had blood dripping down the side of his face. "GET BACK HERE BEFORE I CUT YOUR HEAD OFF!" He screeched at you. You ran over to the counter and circled it as he followed behind you.

You made a run for shigiraki's room once more because it was the only room with a lock on the door.
You slammed it behind you and locked the metal lock behind you. You crouched beside the bed and listened intently as the phone rang.

Loose tears brined into your eyes and slid down your cheeks and neck. "Please shigiraki please" you went completely def in the moment you focused only on the ringing of the phone waiting for the click followed by his scratchy "hello".

Sadly you didn't hear that, *beep*beep*beep*
He didn't pick up...

*SMASHHHH* you wip your head around



♥ [Stockholm romance] a Tomura Shigaraki ♥ x  𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣Where stories live. Discover now