Were going out today

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A plate of steaming food laid beside you on the bed. You stared at it with the urge to eat it, but you wouldn't bring yourself to doing it. You were feeling kind of down lately because you haven't gotten to see Shigaraki in a while, he's always out on a trip or something. And it makes you lose your appetite. You had a grim look on your face.

You picked up the plate and walked over to the spare trash can in the room and dumped the plate's contents inside of it.

As soon as you sit back on the bed, Shigiraki enters your room with a smile stretched across his face. "Player 2 how are you," he says joyously. The nickname made an awkward blush appear on your cheeks. "I- I'm fine, how are you?"

"Never mind how I'm feeling, I have a surprise Player 2"! You could practically feel the excitement radiating off of him. It was a very pleasant surprise that he was happy because you never really got to see this side of him.

"Oh really?! What is it" You still had a sadish look on your face? "Well today, you will be coming with me to a meeting with another organization, you'll be like a buffer to make sure that nobody dies. He says in his scratchy voice.

"Or at least make sure that I don't kill anybody" he chuckled, and your face grew an expression of worry and seriousness. He noticed how uncomfortable that comment made you and cleared his throat about speaking. "D- Don't worry I was just joking. All you will need to do is stick with me and stay quiet. I'll send Kurogiri in with some clothes for you.

He walked over to the door and opened it just before he left, he peeked his head in the door and spoke once more. "Do me a favor player 2... Smile, that's something I wanna see you do more often.

You looked up from your slouched position, and a genuine smile stretched across your face. You noticed a small pink tint on his face from underneath his hair. "Good job, that's what I wanted to see." Right after he spoke, he left.

You waited a few minutes, and Kurogiri came into the room. He was holding clothes, your brush toothbrush, and paste shoes and socks. You walk over to him and take the stuff "Thank you Kurogiri."

He stops you from closing the door, "You didn't eat, again did you?" You look down with the stuff still in your hands. Your mood changes like the flick of a light switch. "I wasn't feeling up to it today," You look up at him and give him puppy dog eyes.

"Please don't tell Shigaraki," you say worriedly. He sighs "You need to start eating again, you've only eaten 4 times since you got here y/n that's not healthy, I mean look at you. Everybody else may not notice, but I can see your ribs, and you're very bony. If you don't start eating, I'm gonna have to tell Shigaraki." You looked down and didn't say a word. He left and you took a moment to soak in what he had said.

You went over to your bed and laid out all of the clothes, You picked up the toothbrush and paste and went to the bathroom next door to brush your teeth.

Once you came back You started taking off your clothes. You finished putting on the Black skinny jeans, and you were about to put on the f/c top that went with it. But your door clicked open, you didn't notice it though.

Shigaraki Stood in the doorway staring for a few moments, and he got so flustered that he slammed the door shut on his way out.

He stood in the hall right beside your door, he took small shallow breaths. He could remember what he had just witnessed very vividly.

♥ [Stockholm romance] a Tomura Shigaraki ♥ x  𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora