His past pt1

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tw being naked in the shower, flashbacks Murder, blood, gore, accidental deaths, accidental murder.

You look up at the ceiling as water flows down your naked body. Your mind wasn't paying attention to your reality at this moment. You close your eyes and scrub the water into your (Skin tone) skin. You had remembered this one scene in your head. The wind was swaying the tall yellow grass, the sky was a vibrant pink. You were sitting in a bed of flowers. you were staring up at the sky while talking to the flowers. they were the only thing that would listen to your rambling. you had just told a funny joke and were laughing. the picture in your head seemed to dim as you thought about the memories that were tied to it. You had just gotten home, and your mom and dad were really annoyed. you picked a flower and brought it home with yourself.

Your dad and mom yelled at you about being home late, and when your dad saw the flower, he took it and stomped on it. you scrambled to pick it up, and as soon as you did, your dad locked you inside the dark hallway closet. you cried, but at least you had your friend with you.

you were broken out of your spell by a knock on the door. "Miss y/n it's time for you to get out. you got out as told and dried off. You put on some clothes and were escorted back to the room where you had the big metal chain hooked to your ankle again.

You shuffled the food around with a fork. You didn't want to eat it, but you were really hungry. You glared at the food almost as if it were an actual person.



"May I come in y/n" the scratchy voice says from the other side of the door.

"Just a second please" you quickly shuffle the plate of food underneath the bed.  You pat yourself down so that you look at least half-decent and fix the bed a little bit, so it is neat. "Okay, you can come in," you yell out to him.

The big hardwood door opens and in walks Shigaraki. "Before I start talking about myself, I have a question to ask you. "What kind of flowers were they." You instantly knew what he was talking about. "Oh, they were (favorite flower), now it's my turn to ask you a question since when you ask a question, I get to ask one in return." He nodded and waved his hand for me to go on.

"Why did you choose me? There are other people with my type of quirk, like Shota Aizawa. He has a quirk almost exactly like mine."

Shigaraki looks at you for a second "well, you see you and eraserhead do have similar quirks, but he is a pro her, and he has people he sees every day, like friends, and students. People would go looking for him if he went missing.

"you're saying that you kidnapped me because I don't have anybody who would miss me"? you asked him "yes, and the version of your quirk is easier to work with." you look down and just stay silent. "Let's get on with it, we don't have a lot of time to talk today, I have somewhere to go." you nod agreeing with his words.

Me and my sister loved hero's even when we were little,  we idolized them and put them on a pedestal. We never knew our grandma on my dads side she was absent from our lives. My dad worked a nice job and my mom stayed home with me my sister and my grandparents. It was a nice life, when I was around 7 I started to manifest my quirk slowly but we didn't realize it. I would scratch myself a lot my skin got  flakey and dry. Side effects because of my quirk.

Me and my sister went through a few drawers in my dad's study, and we found a picture of our grandma. Father despised her because she left him when he was young so he could be a hero. Shigaraki scoffed a bit visibly in thought as he paused. My dad found out and confronted us about it. My sister didn't want to get in trouble so she blamed it on me like any 10 year old would do, I don't blame her. My dad gave me a beating and threw me in the back yard to think about what I did. You put your hand to your mouth shocked.

So I cried and sat with my dog. His name was Mon. He was sweet, there was a faint smile on his face. He muttered to himself. He was comforting me and I started petting him, he fell to the ground out of nowhere and the second he hit the concrete he turned into meat chunks. I couldn't scream but I heard my sister. He stopped talking and there was a long pause where he sat quietly in the same position.

"Tenko I've been looking for you. Listen I shouldn't have blamed you for that earlier, I'm the one who found the picture and I said it was a secret. He was gasping as tears went down his face
What's wrong-" she stopped in her place and stared at the bloody chunks of meat sitting next to him. A horrified expression kept on her face.She Turned around and started to run back to the house. He jotted up from his place shaken up " don't go"

"I couldn't talk I was so itchy"

"Hana you came to apologize right? Hey then protect me next time help me." he grabbed the back of her dress with both hands. He was so scared that he started shaking. A few seconds after he grazed her she stopped and parts of her body started sliding off of each other. 

"When mon crumbled, I thought a villain was after us. That it was an attack and when Hana fell apart... it was the same I thought it was someone else."

He fell to his knees and put his hands on his head screaming.  He scratched his face vigorously and his hair slowly in patches started to turn a bluish gray. He couldn't speak. He looked up to see mom, aunt and uncle.

"We'll Maybe not... thinking back I might've already understood what was going on by that point."

He put his hands on the ground and it cracked at large prices.

"Why did they make excuses for my father? Why did they tell me not to cry instead of helping?"

"I can't take it anymore the resentment piled up little by little"

"I HATE EVERYONE" the little boy yelled. Cracks formed from his mothers legs up to her face "tenko" her soothing voice cried as she shambled her way over. She rushed to hold him and grabbed his hand. She pulled him into a tight hug. She turned into rocks with her last breath, she said.

It was dead quiet they were all gone it felt like hours he sat there crying till the back door opened and his dad was scared at the sight he saw

"Dad.. I- I didn't know" he said through tears "the itch I'm so sorry daddy" he screamed as the ground cracked more when he sat his hand down.  He put his hand up when his dad grabbed a long metal pole. He started hitting the boy with it. "FATHER PLEASE" he yelled "STOP IT TENKO"

"But I know when I touched my father I intended to kill him"

"Die the boy screamed as he jumped on his father and put his hand directly over his face.

"An absurd sense of pleasure shot through my body somewhere in my heart this is what I always wanted"

He stopped speaking and looked up.

You felt some sympathy for him, his father seemed abusive and he must've been traumatized by the experience.

♥ [Stockholm romance] a Tomura Shigaraki ♥ x  𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣Where stories live. Discover now