I would never hate you

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How are you supposed to look him in the eyes again, you wondered? You felt immense guilt after last night. He found out about your secret, and you yelled at him for trying to help. Those were both things you had never wanted to happen. You sat on the bed, your back laid on the wall. You stared at the door, waiting for Shigaraki to open it. You replayed the scenario over and over again in your head.


His voice Echoed inside of your head


He ran over to you and pinned you to the wall with one hand and pulled your shirt up with the other.

The events replayed within your mind.


You said quietly, tears streaming down your face. "Why did you lie to me?" he stepped back. A Collection building in his glossy eyes Disappointment, betrayal, frustration, disdain.

"I'm sorry"

Without realizing it you had said those words aloud instead of inside of your head.

The hinges on the door creaked open and he walked inside of the room with a plate of steaming food. His voice wasn't the usual, it was softer and made you calmer today. "Good morning Y/n," You think the events of last night managed to get him to stop calling you nicknames that you liked.

He closes the door, and you whisper a quiet hello. You look away from him and stare at the adjacent wall. Shigaraki walked over and sat down beside you. "Y/n are you gonna eat the food?" he asks softly. You lower your head as a no. He sat there for a second, He reached for your hand. His fingers intertwined with his unwillingly. Your face went red at the sudden action, "Would you eat it if I fed it to you".

The sentence was sweet, and you felt your nerves coming alive. His other hand grabbed your chin, he turned your head his way. You tried to look anywhere else but him, but you kind of failed. His thumb rubbed against your cheek. He looked at you in the eyes and you stared back at him. The contact was broken when he looked down to grab the spoon off of the plate.

"Open," he said with a sort of commanding tone. You shook your head from side to side. He sighed slightly but squished your cheeks effectively opening your mouth. He puts the spoon in your mouth, and you start chewing it. You wanted more, but you didn't want to make things worse. You felt your emotions overflow within you, somehow that triggered you to start crying.

Shigaraki grew frantic and uneasy "SHIT did I hurt you," he asked. "N-No," your tears grew more constant. Shigaraki let go of your face, and you planted it into his chest. You were still holding his hand, and you brought your intertwined hands to your chest. Your tears soaked his shirt. And he rubbed your back.

"D-do you hate me because if you did, I don't think I could bear it?"

"You think I Hate you Y/n Where did you get that idea? I could never hate you." You look up at him, the tears still blurring your vision. He pulls you into a hug hesitantly, you tighten your grip around his waist as he runs his skinny fingers through your hair.

"never"? you question him "never" he reassures you.

You smile up at him, and the contact between your eyes reconnects. You both stare into each other's beautiful eyes. He stops playing with your hair and wipes off the tears.  His hand caresses your jawline softly. your expressions soften, you could see a sort of lust in his eyes, and he a yearning in yours.

It was as if everything went still, and time slowed. You started leaning in towards him. He noticed and started doing the same. Your faces were mear inches apart, you could feel his hot breath on your face. Your eyes slowly closed. And suddenly his lips were on yours.

The feeling sends waves of passion, and pleasure throughout your body. You savored the moments your lips were together and made room inside your head for the memories.

You let out small little moans that were barely audible. His hand left yours and went straight onto your waist. You used your now freed hand to weave it through his hair.

Shigaraki suddenly leaned over you, deepening the kiss. You  kind of try to fight back his dominance, but it just made him hold you tighter

You pull your lips away from his, and gasp for air. He realized what had just happened, and his grip on you loosened. Both of your faces were completely flustered. "OH hell, I-I'm sorry, I didn't even ask if you wanted it, and I just rushed into it. It was kind of a heat of the moment thing. You know what'll just go." He stands up to leave, but you call out to him.

"Tomura," he stops dead in his tracks. He had never heard you call him Tomura. And he was surprised that you remembered it. "Please stay" you plead with him.

He turns around and sits back on the bed, holding the now coldish plate of food in his lap. "Only for you" he whispered.

You both took a few minutes to collect yourself, "You should really eat, you need it or you'll be malnourished. And I don't want my player 2's hp to go down." He continued to spoon-feed you until all the food was gone.

You felt a lot better after that, But you also felt like you needed to talk to Shigaraki about the kiss. After that, you kind of acted as if it had never happened. That is not how you wanted it to be...

"What are you to Shigaraki? What is shigaraki to you?

♥ [Stockholm romance] a Tomura Shigaraki ♥ x  𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣Where stories live. Discover now