Falling to peices

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What used to be a happy relationship you were how doubting it was awkward between the two of you and you didn't want it to be it was always quiet and you hated it so so much.

You were in the main room of the lair sitting down you looked at the mess it had become once again but you were exhausted. You didn't understand why. Life was becoming blurry and you cried over seemingly nothing at night even though you were supposed to be happy you had what you wanted right? 

You didn't quite understand why you struggled so much, especially within these past months. You spent most of your time sitting around doing nothing but staring off into the abyss. It became very clear to everyone that you had changed and you weren't happy. They will realize you were depressed and that there had to be something wrong. Everybody but shigiraki saw all of it. They became worrisome. Your lifestyle wasn't exactly healthy. You had no communication outside of the league you stayed inside 24/7 you had nowhere to go you never ate and the only people you were around may have not been the best influence in some departments. They were planning something and their plan was going to take effect today.

You cared about everybody but twice was one of your absolute best friends he would tell you everything and he would listen to you talk about everything.

Twice just had to stay composed for long enough.

Twice walked into the room and glanced over at you. He had on a tank top with some sweatpants and his mask was on his face. He plopped on the couch right beside you. You paid no mind because you were too busy zoning out. It wasn't until you heard his lighter click that you could acknowledge that he was there. He was holding a cigarette up to you. He already had one lit and sat just between his lips smoke filed out of the end of the cigar cigarette. He took a long drag of it before, nodding, signaling you to take the one that was in his hand. You took it, and hold it up he let the end of it and you put it in your mouth. You're never really the type of person to smoke, but lately, you became more and more stressed and smoking, became a way of coping with it you also took a long drawn-out drag off it.
you both sat there in silence for a few minutes before twice Spoke up, "you seem odd awfully late. What's up with that?" he questioned

"Eh it's nothing really I'm just been in a bad mood. Me and Tomura have been fighting."

His interest was a little peaked

" it's nothing big though. It's probably because I'm stressed, its not his fault"

"What kind of fights?

You can u grimacedat the question you knew he would inevitably ask but you tried your hardest to dance around it at first but gave in

"Ok your gonna think it sounds bad. Do you promise you won't donor say anything?"

He started to worry a little wondering how bad it could be

"Ok yeah promise"

You too k a second before the e says anything

"The last time we fought he um.."



"He put his hands on me. But I swear he wasn't trying to hurt me or anything it was just a light slap and he accidentally pushed me over."

Twice was starting to get concerned. Despite what you said to downplay it frantically he couldn't help but wonder. He started looking on you just glances seeing if he could find any signs of anything harder than "a light slap"  he did notice some bruised but they could have just been from you being clumsy he wasn't gonna jump to conclusions.

"Damn that doesn't sound good y/n, you know you can tell me anything I've told each other about all the shit we've gone through your allowed to be vulnerable with me"

"I know I just... Life has been complicated and it's not great to put it all into words. I mean I guess I could say I haven't been really happy lately and I've been doing some stuff that's not too good for me like these cigarettes. I just don't feel really complete. I like be in here but I don't know I'm just not whole."

You guys eventually delved deeper into the conversations and you admitted that now you guys got into fights more often and that you were becoming weary and scared more often.

"Hey boss can we talk?"  twice asks. He has a few more of the league members behind him.

♥ [Stockholm romance] a Tomura Shigaraki ♥ x  𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣Where stories live. Discover now