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Your eyes opened only slightly. You could see the pale blue mess of hair in front of you. You flipped over so you were facing the wall now. You grinned and closed your eyes again. You weren't going back to sleep you were just allowing yourself to think about last night. You but your lip replaying the events. You could feel a limp in your throat and your voice felt so light and Airie. It didn't make too much sense especially since you had felt this way before but never this much. You felt like you could do and say anything that you have ever wanted. You couldn't help but repeat the one thing he said "i want to be with you" how could little words like this hold so much power over you and make you feel like everything was alright. You were too busy Thinking to notice that Shigaraki had woken up, he set his hand on your cheek and rubbed it a little bit. He pulled away and walked across the room. He rummaged over a few papers amongst other things before the noise stopped. He got back onto the bed. He brushed some locks out of your face and put your hair in a ponytail. What a sweet gesture, it made you smile a big dopey grin. He finished with the ponytail and set his hand on your neck. His face got close to the back of your neck. Was he laying back down you wondered as he gave you a small kiss on the back of your neck. He pulled away "sleep well" he sounded a little embarrased" he stood up and went to the bathroom. You could hear small muttering "that was so stupid, I'm dumb, oh God what if they actually heard that. They can't have of right? They are asleep. He walked over to the side of the bed where you were facing. You hid your mouth with a small portion of the comforter hoping that it would hide your smile. You knew you couldn't not smile. It would be so impossible with him acting so embarrassed. He didn't seem to notice it as he walked io to you. He squatted down and stared at your face.

Luckily for you you were amazing at pretending like you just woke up. You took a big breath, and started stretching you opened your eyes and let out a yawn. He quickly stood up, pretending as if nothing happened. His cheeks were a little flushed. you looked up at him. "Tomura, are you ok? You look a little red." he cleared his throat and met your gaze. "Yes! Yes, I'm fine". You sat up and motioned for him to squat down in front of you. He complied, you brushed the hair out of his eyes and put the back side of your hand on his head.  "You seem a bit warm. Why don't you sit down and I'll get you a cold rag?"
He knew he had the stuff to do but also liked the attention he got from you. He liked feeling you touch his face. He nodded and gave a small "alright".  You stood up and moved off the bed so he could lay in your spot. He sat down and leaned on the bed frame. You fixed your shorts and t-shirt before you left the room. You grabbed a rag and ran it under cold water. The excess water was rung out and you folded it. You walked back into the room and saw him just laying on the bed staring at the ceiling. You sat down beside him and put your hand on his forehead. "Well you don't seem to be as hot anymore. you were pulling you hand away but He grabbed it and held it on his forehead. There was a Hugh of red to your cheeks. He mumbled while slightly opening his eyes to look at you "please stay like this".

After a few moments of silence he kissed your hand and looked away. "A-sorry you just feel very nice." He pushed his face to look at you. "Its oo" you gave him a smile and out the rag on his forehead. He felt better pretty quickly and he went off to finish up some business.

♥ [Stockholm romance] a Tomura Shigaraki ♥ x  𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣Where stories live. Discover now