your past

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TW: mentions of abuse, parents fighting, mental diseases (schizophrenia and bipolar), and murder. If this triggers you I suggest not reading

"My family wasn't all happy, flowers sunshine, and love. My parents were poor and they constantly fought about marriage, me and bills. I was supposed to be their savior, the child that would save their family from poverty, and that would fix all of their problems.

They married each other because they were poor, they married each other because of their quirks, and how well they would go together when they made a child. And then I came along they stopped fighting around when I was supposed to get my quirk. they were happy and were excited for me to get my power. when it didn't come in they took me to the doctors, and the doctors did tests. they told my parents, that I did, in fact, have a quirk it was just a useless one. one that got rid of other people's quirks temporarily.

My mom and dad hated the fact that they had a useless child, that couldn't get them rich or famous. so they tried again, and again, and again. but it didn't work my mom was infertile. That made them even angrier. they slowly started fighting again and would take their anger out on me, constantly yelling at me, telling me I was disappointed, and that it was my fault that they would always live in poverty with a child they dident want and fight and never be able to have a useful child. my dad would sometimes lock me in a dark closet by myself. it was one of my biggest fears, and it still is.

My school life wants better either, I was known as the quirk blocker. All kids want to do is play around with their quirks when they have the chance. and since I can't turn my quirk off and on nobody would hang out with me. I was scrawny so I Got picked on with no way to defend myself. free time I would sit with flowers, I thought that they could hear me, and I thought that the flowers were my friends. while I did that I was being silently scrutinized by my teachers and classmates. one day I talked to the flowers about my home life. and some of my classmates heard. let's just say I got picked on worse from then on.

As I got older my dad got quieter and less angry but my mom wanted to yell all the time. she couldn't yell at my dad, because he would get physical with her. so she yelled at her defenseless 10-year-old (son/ daughter/child. I even remember one time where my mom got so mad that when I got home from school she smashed a glass bowl over my head. I still have a small scar on the back of my neck from the glass. when I turned 15 my mom was diagnosed with schizophrenia, and bipolar What a lucky kid I became, I had to make sure she took her pills on time, and if she had a manic episode I would have to calm her down.

My dad didn't want to take care of her, so I had to do it by myself. I did it and I did it well for about a year, but there was this one day where I had to stay over at a classmate's house for a project. when I got home the next day both of my parents were gone guess they dident want to deal with me anymore.  So I loved on my own and when I was 17 it's been a rough 3 years.

I had to worry about paying bills, and keeping my grades up because adjusting to the new culture was not easy so here I am now kidnapped by the villain league and telling the leader about my past and I'm not sure why. You say sarcastically. now it's your turn, Mr. Villian,tell me about your past."

he looks at the watch on his wrist, "How about I tell you about that tomorrow, it took you all day to tell me that." you sigh but nod your head in agreement. "I'll see you tomorrow y/n he waves and walked out the door. you ruffle your hair and lie down in the big bed once again, the metal chain connected to your ankle was clinking, your ankle felt sore from wearing the heavy object around all the time. Your stomach growled, "No stay strong y/n you can do this, you can survive on not eating for a while. besides, I only need to drink water and eat at least twice every month. it won't be that bad, it's just like when mom and dad didn't have enough money to feed you."

you lay your head down and let yourself drift into sleep a comforting sleep. it felt nice to be able to let that off your chest, you hadn't told another soul since... you had never told another soul. only your flower friends.








is it weird to miss someone, who was never actually a somebody?

Because you missed the flowers in the schoolyard who gave you comfort.

♥ [Stockholm romance] a Tomura Shigaraki ♥ x  𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣Where stories live. Discover now