Chapter 6: Behest The Warnings And Run When The Willow Whistles

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The world was dark. He couldn't see anything. Screams sounded throughout the chamber echoing off the circular walls. Realising his eyes were just shut he opened them, taking in the surrounding area. Rubble and dust encompassed him and a few hands reached for the light out from under the destroyed ceiling. Their bodies buried and unable to rise.

He rose from the spot he had been crouched in, hands shaking, and took a step forward. Looking up he saw a hole blasted in the once-solid roof of the arena. He could see stars making their way to the sky to ensure there was light throughout the night. Just as he went to look away, he saw the nose of a Kesik ship. It sported a red belly. Meaning it was here for war. Not to protect them but rather destroy them. He flung himself backward trying to get out of the view of the observatory bay. Back hitting a pillar that still stood, he whipped behind it and waited with bated breath for the hum of the engine to move on.

The ship left quickly and he sprinted for the exit doors on the other side of the chamber. He needed to get his belongings in the barn and some supplies. He also needed to get his father out of here. They couldn't stay here any longer. As he burst through the doors he saw the surrounding forest and road was littered with flames and chalky dust from the explosion.

He ran down the road to town as fast as he could. Pushing himself further than he ever had. His lungs screamed at him to stop but his brain screamed louder that there was something terribly wrong. His new boots were scuffed and dusty but he didn't care. He just kept pushing.

But as he made it over the last rise and looked down on the town, all he saw was fire. The small houses and shops that had once lined the streets were up in flames. Some already engulfed. He took off down the hill towards the town. Feet pounding on the dry, hard road. As he got closer however he slowed at the sight of villagers being dragged out of their burning homes and shoved on their knees. Guns pointed to their head, ready to kill them after one wrong move. He skirted the outside and watched from behind a building that wasn't collapsed.

The soldiers were yelling in a language he couldn't understand. The villagers looked around with wide and terrified eyes. Searching for an escape. A few bodies already lay splattered on the cobblestone, unmoving and missing limbs. Blood leaking in a pool around them. A child was dragged from a family and held before them. The kid screamed for her parents and he took a step forward to intervene. Knowing it would likely get him killed. But as he did, he looked up to the roof on his left across the road and saw the figure from the market. She was shaking her head furiously and holding her hand up to stop him from advancing.

He could only watch on in horror as the kid was killed in cold blood and the family screamed. It shattered him and he was frozen in place. Unable to move. Again the figure on the roof moved. He could feel her stare and looked up at her. She shook her head once and motioned for him to run.

That's when he remembered his father and the books. He needed to get to the house. Pushing off the wall he was leaning against he pushed himself into a run again. His aching muscles protesting at the sudden movement again.


Thankyou to the people who have been kind and read a couple of chapters. But I've made the decision to discontinue posting on here. I appreciate all the support. So for now see ya later :) it is likely I will come back when I am a more established and confident writer with better pieces. Have an fantastic day :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2020 ⏰

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