Were going out today

Start from the beginning

You had your back turned to him, the black skinny jeans you were wearing made your ass pop out. Your H/l h/c hair was in messy strands. You had the t-shirt he picked out for you on your arms about to put it on yourself. Your smooth skin was exposed for only him to see. He did notice that you looked unusually skinny, but he forgot about it quickly. He wanted to go over to you and wrap his arms around you and put his hands on your hips while he played with your messy hair. His face heated up as his mind went in several different directions.

"FUCK what the hell kind of thoughts are those. He readjusted his pants as he heard you sit back down on the bed. You hummed a tune as you combed through your hair with the brush.

You put the brush down on the bed and put on the socks along with the black sneakers that you had gotten. Just as you put on the gray jacket that went with the outfit Shigiraki walks into the room. He was wearing a long black trench coat along with his black sweatpants, red shoes and black shirt. And he was carrying a small duffel bag with his hands in them. (That sounds kind of bad but I'm gonna keep it)

"Are you ready p-player 2" he asks sort of flustered as you nod and he leads the way out of the building? "Y/n stare at the ground while we walk, I don't want you memorizing the way out or the way back.

you obliged and watched his feet so you wouldn't get lost. After a few minutes, You could hear cars and footsteps. You both stepped out of a big bush and onto a hard concrete.

the second you looked up your face lit up like a light bulb.

The stars were dazzling just like the last time you were outside. The bright lights from the city light up in the beautiful black night sky.

You walked beside Shigaraki down the big sidewalk, the cold air pricking your skin like needles, but you only felt joyous. You took in each breath of fresh air with delight and the night sky hypnotized you. You both walked for a while in silence while you looked around the streets. You saw tall buildings, and people again, you smiled and hummed to yourself. A little while into walking Shigaraki turns his head slightly to look behind himself and he starts a conversation.

"So how has your day been," he says wrapping his arm around your shoulder

You were kind of confused by the action but still spoke.

"It was bad, But I got a lot happier when you talked to me earlier"

"That's good,"

"was work exciting"

"What do you mean, I don't have a-" he cut you off

"Oh, that's right you didn't go to work today silly me "he chuckles loudly

"Yeah silly you, Are you feeling okay?" you kind of whisper the last part

"Is your family doing okay?. . you don't even have to say I probably already know the answer"

" . . . "

"We should just take a vacation and get away for a while if you know what I'm saying," he says slyly

Suddenly he grabs your hand and you both start running down the sidewalk. You turn into a wide, dark alleyway where he pinned you to the wall.

"call my baby"

"W- what?" you say confused as hell

"No time just do it call me baby"

He tilts your head and closes the gap between your neck and his lips. his hot breath skimmed over your skin and sent shivers down your spine. He starts roughly kissing your neck.

He moves your head to the side and you let out a surprised gasp, at the end of the alley you see a  boy with red spiky hair who had on a hero costume. He looked directly at you and shigaraki.

You then realized that Shigiraki was trying to shake him off of your tail. Because he had been following you. You started playing along as he was processing what was happening.

You let out a small muffled moan " Baby stop it somebody might see us" you said chuckling with a playful tone behind it. You put both of your hands on his chest.

He realized what was happening, and said "oh". He turned around with a red face and left.

You sighed but grunted a little when shigaraki hit a sweet spot on your neck. "SHigaraki, h-heads gone". Shigiraki continued for a second "H-HEs gone shigaraki." Shigiraki stopped and turned around with an equally red face as you.

"L-Lets go" he starts walking again, and you follow behind him. You put your hand on your neck and traced where his lips were with your finger.

"Why do I want more"? You mentally questioned yourself. You could feel butterflies fill the inside of your stomach.

You continued on the main sidewalk until you both were almost there

A/n Wow looks like the main arc is coming up soon, I really hope you guys are still following the story

♥ [Stockholm romance] a Tomura Shigaraki ♥ x  𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣Where stories live. Discover now