Day 194

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Day 194

I quietly hummed to myself as I finished my make-up.

"You look great," Alex said from behind me.

I spun around, taking in her gorgeous black dress. "And you look stunning," I said honestly.

Tonight was The Brit Awards, and the boys were nominated for Best New Artist and Best Song. The boys were all going together, but Alex and I had seats separate from them to cheer them on.

"Come on, or we'll be late," she grinned, pulling me out of the bathroom.


"And best new artist goes to... One Direction!" the announcer all but yelled.

Alex and I both jumped out of our seats, clinging on to each other's arms as we cheered for our boys. We saw them rise out of their seats, all collapsing into a giant group hug.

"They won! They won!" Alex screamed in my ear.

"I know!" I squealed back.


"You look fucking incredible in your suit," I whispered in Harry's ear. His hand immediately made it's may on to my thigh, creeping higher. Fortunately, his action was covered by the table. Unfortunately, I was getting squeamish.

"And I love that dress on you," he purred back into my ear.

I sent him a quick wink before turning away and facing Alex, who was deep in conversation with Louis and Zayn.

Harry let out a sigh, but I ignored him, joining their conversation.

"I just don't think we should. It could be nothing," Alex said harshly.

"Should what?" I asked, causing the three to look at me.

"Nothing," Louis said quickly, an uneasy smile on his face.

 I looked at them in confusion, but shrugged it off, turned to face where Harry was talking to Liam and Niall.

"I saw Adele! I'm pretty sure she looked at me!" Niall said excitedly.

"I'm sure she did, Ni," Liam said, rolling his eyes at the blonde boy.

"I'm serious!" Niall defended.

I sighed, lounging back in my seat. It had been a long night, and we'd all decided to skip the after parties and instead go out for drinks together, but I was beginning to question t hat decision.

"You okay?" Harry asked softly.

I nodded, smiling at him. "Yeah, just tired."

"Me too. You want to get out of here?"

I was surprised at his offer, but I quickly accepted.

"Hey, Arden and I are going to head out," Harry said to the entire table.

After everyone finished moaning and groaning, we managed to escape rather quickly, holding hands as we passed by the many paparazzi outside of the bar.

"You want to go back to my place?" Harry asked as he flagged down a cab.

I shrugged. "Sure, why not?"

We climbed in the cab, and Harry told him the address.

"So I finished that book," Harry said casually.

"Really? What'd you think?" I asked quickly.

"It was really good. And my eyes were quite wet at the sad bits."

I nodded. "Trust me, I've read The Fault In Our Stars countless times, and I still cry every time."

Harry chuckled, his hand gently drawing circles on mine.

"John Green's an incredible author. His other books are really good too," I continued. I kept yapping about John Green as Harry watched me with interest. I paused a few times, worried I was boring him, but he seemed genuinely interested in my droning.

And I was very happy to talk about John Green for the entire cab ride.

We pulled up outside of Harry's building and he paid the driver.

He led us up to his room, and before the door was even open, Harry's lips were on mine.

"You're so sexy when you talk about books," he said against my lips in between kisses.

I laughed, but didn't argue with him, allowing him to clumsily lead us into the apartment.

"You're so sexy all the time," I replied.

He smirked into the kiss, but his lips didn't leave mine as we battled with our lips and tongues.

(A/N): Ugh, short fillers are the worst. I'm sorry! Hopefully you can forgive me cause this was like the third(?) update today. And I'll most likely post the next chapter soon too... But I'm super excited for the next chapter, so that's why I've been updating like a crazy person. So get excited!

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