Day 381

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Day 381

"Where the hell are we going?" Alex groaned.

"Just be patient," Zayn responded in a low voice.

"But Zayn," she whined. "Please tell me?" she pouted.

I looked away just as she began to rub his back and whisper in his ear, probably trying to convince him to tell her where we were all headed.

All nine of us- the five boys and the four girlfriends- had piled into a van and were now headed to a undisclosed location. The boys were keeping their mouths shut on this one.


"Surprise!" Louis cried as he bounced ahead of all of us, revealing a large recording studio that was bustling with people and camera equipment.

"What is this?" Alex asked first.

"Our music video shoot for 'Little Things'!" Louis exclaimed excitedly.

"Boys! There you are!" a man who looked about thirty said in an American accent, approaching our small group. "Oh good, and girls! I haven't talked to any of the boys except Niall about this, but how would you all feel about being in the music video with the boys?"

"What?" Wendy squeaked.

Louis chuckled, rubbing his hands up and down her arms as she looked at him with a flustered look. She was more of a wallflower than a music video star, to say the least.

"I'm in," Alex announced.

"But what about Niall?" Jessie asked, causing us all to turn to the blonde boy who looked oddly shy.

His cheeks had flushed a bright shade of red, telling me that something was up. "Well, actually, my girlfriend will be joining us too," he said, letting out a small cough at the end while we all processed what he had said.

"Your girlfriend?" Zayn asked, breaking the silence that had followed Niall's statement.

Niall nodded. "She's on her way. You guys will love her."

"Wait, but how long have you been dating?" I asked, amazed that my little Nialler had kept something like this from me.

"A few weeks? We just kind of wanted to keep things private- it was more her idea than mine," he shrugged.

"Well does she have a name?" Alex asked.

"Katy. Her name's Katy," he answered quietly. He glanced down at his phone before smiling broadly. "And she's here!"

"Well, let's meet the bitch," Alex muttered, earning a glare from me and about half of the other people standing around.

"So is everyone in agreement to doing the music video?" the man asked. By then, I was assuming he was the director.

All four of us girls nodded.

"Fantastic! I'm Peter, if you need anything just yell! Hair and make-up is that way," he explained, pointing, "and I'll see you all in a bit!"

As soon as Peter had left us to our own devices, Niall was quickly scurrying back towards the entrance. We all followed him.

"I can't believe you didn't tell us!" Louis scolded as we all followed the Irish boy, a few steps behind.

"I'm sorry, but you guys can be- a little overbearing a times," he said quietly, not turning back to face the group as he spoke- his destination still set.

"Are not!" Louis defended.

I glared at him, which he noticed and hmph-ed, crossing his arms over his chest.

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