Day 208

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Day 208

I jostled my hair, getting a feel for the new length. At one of my photo shoots, they'd chopped off all of my long hair, so it now sat just at my shoulders. It was definitely different, but I liked the change. Change was what I needed, even if it was just in my hair.

I sighed, looking at my reflection in my bedroom mirror.

I could try and pretend I was happy, but I don't think I was fooling anybody.

All I could think about was Harry Styles. He consumed my thoughts, and I absolutely hated him for it.

I hated his dull green eyes and I hated how his brown hair was so messy. I hated how he wasn't funny. I hated how he would look at me and make my stomach churn with bile. I hated how he sang. I hated how he was so flirty and sarcastic. I hated how cocky and arrogant he was. And most of all, I hated the way he kissed. I absolutely loathed Harry Edward Styles.

I mean, he cheated on me with Taylor fucking Swift. Like if that wasn't a punch in the gut- I don't know what was.

Feeling sick of my pity party, I forced myself to exit my room.

"Arden! Good morning," a much too chipper voice greeted me from the living room.

"What are you doing here?" I grumbled.

"We wanted to see you," Louis grinned.

"Don't you have an interview or something?" I asked pointedly. Louis and Liam were both casually strewn across the couch as if they lived here.

"Nope," Liam replied. "We wanted to see how you were."

"Well, I'm fine. Happy?"

"Nope," Liam grinned.

I rolled my eyes, moving in to the kitchen and making myself a cup of coffee. How long had those two boys been here? Alex must have let them in, but she would have left for work hours ago.

"What have you guys been doing? When did you even get here?" I asked, walking back in to the living room, coffee in hand.

"Watching tv," Louis shrugged, his eyes still on the television.

"Well what are you watching?" I continued, sinking on to the couch next to Liam.

"One of our interviews!" Louis chirped.

Right as he finished his sentence, the commercial break ended and the interview came back on.

"Hello! And we're back with One Direction!" the male interviewer grinned as the camera panned over the five boys. I felt a knot in my stomach as they showed the fifth one, but I tried my hardest to act normal. "So, boys, time for questions, hm?"

The boys nodded, the camera had now zoomed out to show all of them. I kept my attention focused strictly on the right-hand end, as far away from the curly-haired boy as possible.

"Alright, first question comes from Brittney from London. Brittney wants to know who's single and who's not."

My eyes widened as I watched the tv and Liam and Louis got visibly stiffer next to me. This was a newer interview because I had never seen it, so it must be from the past few days.

"I can turn it off-" Louis began, but I shook my head as the boys began answering on tv.

"We're all single actually," Harry answered, a large smile on his face. As if I meant absolutely nothing to him.

"But Harry, weren't you seeing that Arden girl?" the interviewer asked, clearly confused.

Liam and Louis were both watching me with concern, but my eyes were focused on the television and the boy who had completely shattered my heart.

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