Day 238

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Dedication to KStyles87 because she is honestly one of the sweetest people I have ever met on here and she leaves me the nicest comments that always brighten my day. Thank you so much, Katy!

Day 238

"Arden! You look fine, and you're going to be late!" Alex demanded from outside of my bedroom door.

"But I don't know what to wear," I whined.

"What did he say? Something comfortable to walk in! So just wear like jeans and a regular shirt and TOMS or something," she huffed, clearly fed up with the argument I'd been having with myself for the majority of the day.

Harry and I were going on a date this afternoon, but he wouldn't tell me what we were doing except that I should wear something that isn't fancy and that's comfortable to walk in.

I groaned, throwing my straight hair into a ponytail.

In the end, I followed Alex's instructions. Pairing some light grey skinny jeans with a flowy tank top that had a funky pink and yellow pattern on it. I slipped my black TOMS on my feet, satisfied that I had achieved comfort and style.

"Arden! He's going to be here any-" Alex yelled, but was cut off by me emerging from the room and shooting her a glare.

She gave me a triumphant look like she had won something, which I just rolled my eyes at. I would have worn something similar with or without her instructions.

We both walked into the kitchen where she plopped onto one of the stools and I leaned against the counter, anxiously awaiting Harry, who should be here any minute.

"So what are you doing tonight?" I asked Alex, trying to make conversation, but also hoping to pass the time. My heart was pounding with the excitement of seeing Harry. We hadn't spent that much time together since we got back together because the boys seemed to always be busy with one thing or another, and my modeling was definitely picking up.

"Um, I'm not sure. I might call Zayn and see what he's doing. Or just stay in?" she said sounding very unsure of herself.

I nodded, but my thoughts were interrupted by my phone's buzzing from my pocket. I scooped it out and glanced at the called I.D. seeing Elena's name.

I groaned. I considered not answering, but knew it would just hurt me in the long run. So in the end, I hit accept and held the phone up to my ear, ignoring Alex's confused stare.

"Hello?" I mumbled, not wanting to talk to my new, very bitchy agent. Elena had been officially assigned to me about a week ago. When I first met her, I didn't notice her pushy attitude. Or well, I didn't mind it. It kept me in line and it helped me not to forget things. But by this point, I was getting real tired of her constantly breathing down my neck and yelling at me. She's even casually mentioned that I should try to lose weight. I mean, I might not be a stick, but I'm not trying to look sickly!

"Arden," she huffed, as if speaking to me was the worst part of her day. "We just reviewed your pictures from earlier today."

"And?" There had to be a purpose to this call. Elena would never call to just make friendly conversation.

"They've decided they want you on the cover," she said gruffly. I had to think about her words, considering she made it sound like bad news.

As I was thinking, there was a knock at the door. My eyes widened, and I quickly shooed Alex towards it. She rolled her eyes, but obliged.

"That's great, Elena," I said, keeping my tone even. Internally, I was flipping out, but I wasn't going to let Elena have the satisfaction of hearing me lose it. From my other ear, I could hear the door opening and Alex explaining to Harry that I was on the phone.

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