Day 290

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Day 290

"I need the truth."

I stared at Alex, half glad she was speaking to me and half amazed that she still didn't believe me.

After Alex came home from work last night, we hadn't spoken to each other. I was too upset and she still thought I was a cheating liar. This morning, I'd woken up before her, but as soon as she woke up, she found me in the kitchen.

"I've already told you the truth, Alex. We're just friends," I explained for the thousandth time, exhausted of this conversation.

She watched me skeptically. "I believe you," she said slowly.

"You do?" I asked before I could stop myself. Obviously I wasn't lying, I was just amazed that she finally listened to me.

"Why? Should I not?" she asked, her eyebrows cocked.

I shook my head. "But what made you change your mind?"

"I called Marcus. He explained that he invited you out for coffee and how you were just friends and you were still helplessly in love with Harry. Plus, you're a mess right now. Obviously you still love Harry and you wouldn't cheat on him."

I ignored the fact that she had called Marcus behind my back and instead felt relieved that she finally trusted me again.

"Do you want me to call one of the boys or something?" Alex offered. "Maybe I could call Louis and explain to him and then he could talk to Harry?"

"It's like we're playing telephone," I mumbled. "But yeah, I guess."

She whipped out her cell phone and quickly dialed Louis. "Hey Lou, it's Alex. Yeah, I need to talk to you about Harry and Arden. I know, but just listen. I talked to Marcus, right? And Louis, they're just friends. Marcus invited Ar out for coffee and they just happened to get photographed. But they're just friends, seriously. Ar's been like sobbing on our couch since she got home yesterday." She paused for a minute and listened. "No, Louis. Louis! Just talk to him, okay? I'm not going to let 'Harden' fall apart from this, and you shouldn't either. Ok, thank you." And she hung up.


"He's going to try to talk to him, but he doesn't know if it will do anything. Apparently Harry's been locked up in his room since your fight or whatever."

I nodded. It was better than nothing, right?


I tapped my fingers on the arm of the sofa, not paying any attention to the bridal show that was playing on television.

"Hey Ar, I'm going to run to the store. You want anything?" Alex said, sticking her head into the room.

I shook my head. "I think I'm okay. Unless you want to buy a chocolate cake. I wouldn't object to that."

Alex rolled her eyes and sauntered off and out the front door.

I turned my eyes to the television, trying to focus. Anything to keep my mind off the phone that I could feel burning through my pocket.

Why hadn't Harry called? Louis would have talked to him by now, right?

He had to forgive me. He just had to.

I stood up, stretching my legs and arms out. Just as I was about to walk towards the kitchen, my phone started buzzing against my leg.

I plopped onto the couch and frantically scrambled to pull it out. "Hello?" I answered while reaching for the remote and muting the TV.

"Hi," Harry's deep voice responded quietly.

I exhaled deeply, suddenly relieved by the fact he had called.

"Arden, I'm sorry," he after a short pause. "Louis talked to me and I was too quick to jump to conclusions."

His apology was almost too good to be true. So good that I was almost reluctant to forgive him. On one hand, I didn't want to, couldn't, lose Harry again, but on the other hand, he really hurt me when he said he couldn't trust me.

"Arden? Please say something?" Harry said, his voice cracking. He was desperate.

"I just- It's okay, Harry. I forgive you," I breathed out. He hurt me, but I knew I couldn't lose him. That would be the worst for everyone and I honestly couldn't even picture the future without Harry. I needed him.

"Oh, thank you." He sounded so relieved.

I smiled to myself, internally pleased that he had missed he so much.

It hadn't been an elaborate apology, but it didn't need to be. I just needed to know that Harry could still trust me, and the fact that he was trusting what I told Alex who told Louis who then told him, it proved that he trusted me again. I might have to be more cautious about my friendship with Marcus in the future, but it was worth it.

"Hey Arden?" Harry said, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Yes?" I replied.

"I was actually wondering if you would be interested in doing an interview with us?"

"Us? Meaning you and the boys?"

"Yeah. It's on Tuesday. It's just at a local network and the interviewer is friends with Simon, so they won't ask any invasive questions," Harry said quickly, probably trying to reassure me.

But little did he know, now that I was a model, I was pretty much fearless in front of a camera. I didn't love the public eye, but I'd gotten used to it. It was just bad publicity I tended to want to avoid. But an interview? That I could handle.

"I'm in."

"Really?" Harry asked, sounding surprised.

"Yeah, it'll be fun," I grinned, hoping I would end up meaning it.

(A/N)- Dedication to Harry_Styles_Curls_ because she's so, so sweet and sent me the nicest message and I know she was super excited for this chapter, so this one's for her! Thank you so much for being so incredible! Sorry this took so long and then it ended up being short and boring anyway. Hopefully next chapter will make up for it. But I had some writer's block and I wanted to make this better, it just wasn't happening.

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