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Scott McCall was— well, Scott McCall couldn't decide what he was

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Scott McCall was— well, Scott McCall couldn't decide what he was. Whether the shaking in his bones was from the grieving of his lover or from the anger he held for her killer.

From the rage of their father covering it up. Even if Apollo was being pulled under by something Scott could never understand, he couldn't find it in himself to care, because at the end of the day he still saw Apollo murder Allison Argent.

Apollo loomed behind the Nogitsune like a shadow, the boy seeming as if he were a walking corpse.

"Hi, there." The man behind the desk tiredly look up, panic overtaking his features when the Oni materialized behind the two. "Could you page Melissa McCall for me please?"

Not waiting for a reply, the Oni stabbed the man, the Nogitsune giving a quiet chuckle.

"I guess we'll have to find her ourselves," he smiled at Apollo. The teenager looking as if he was drugged from the entity's words, like every thought he had revolved around the fox.

Apollo led the Nogitsune through the hospital, the Oni killing anyone that crossed their paths as they did so. An eerie laugh escaped Apollo, the sound of the elevator coming to a stop in front of them.

"Mrs. McCall," he sang as he stalked toward her, the Oni on either side of him. "Come on out."

The elevator doors slid open, Scott's father standing beside her and taking out his gun.

He fired rounds into both the Oni, aiming his gun at Apollo.

"No!" Both the Nogitsune and Melissa screamed, the woman shoving the gun out of his hands.

Apollo turned back to the Nogitsune, eyes ablaze as he did so. Ever since he had first appeared, Apollo's blood as felt as though it were on fire. And now that same fire was coursing through his veins, and behind his eyes, clawing down his throat, into his lungs, and stomach, a fire consuming him that every waking second felt like a buzz.

"We're leaving, Apollo."

The huntsman felt no recognition when his eyes fell upon his school. Well, not that he would, he was no longer a huntsman, was he? No longer who he had been less than a year ago, but no, now he was different. Not the good kind of different, the different that kept people up at night trying to muffle the agony as it seeped out of every part of their being. No, no, the huntsman was long gone, and buried, and dead, and would surely, surely, never return, but instead be replaced with—

"I've heard of an alpha pack, Derek," the Nogitsune called. Ethan and Aiden on either side of the wolf, merely yards away from the Nogitsune and Apollo who lurked behind him. "But not a pack of former alphas. It's a little sad, isn't it, Apollo?"

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