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White. That was the first thing Apollo saw when he shot up from the water. He was still freezing, his clothes dripping wet as he looked to see Scott and Stiles still beside him. They all got out of the ice in silence, looking around at the endless room.
Apollo seemed to notice the two boys looking behind them, doing the same and seeing a large tree stump at the end of the room.

The three slowly started to move forward, no one saying a word as they walked. As they approached the large stump, Scott moved closer than the other two boys. Stiles and Apollo watched in anticipation as Scott slowly reached out his hand and placed it on the tree.

Stiles and Apollo shared a small nod, moving on either side of Scott and doing the same.

"Your father is a highly respected security consultant and a federally licensed firearm dealer-"

"Nobody gives a damn Victoria," Apollo scoffed at his mom. However it wasn't really Apollo, it was before. Before they had really moved to Beacon Hills, it was a memory.

"Mom, look out!" Allison loud scream made the car swerve, narrowly missing the boy who had run into the road.

"You almost killed that kid!" Apollo shouted as Victoria continued driving. 

"We have to go back!" The twins shouted at her. With a groan of annoyance the woman did so, Apollo running out of the car and into the woods as soon as the car slowed down enough. His twin following close behind as they ran into the woods. Allison bent down, picking up an inhaler that was on the ground. The twins looked into the woods with curiosity, Apollo's heart dropping when he heard a faint howl.

"Alright that enough. Back to the car you two." Victoria grabbed the twins and thew the inhaler back to the ground.

It landed right in front of Apollo's feet, the huntsman still confused as he watched the scene unfold. However as he looked from the inhaler to the surrounding woods he saw a tree stump. The very tree stump that had been in the white room.

The hunter shot up out of the water, coughing it up as he threw himself over the side of the tank. As Apollo continued to try and get air into his lungs he looked over to the other boys, relief taking over him as he saw them getting out as well.

"I saw it! I know where it is!" Scott shouted as he stepped out of the tank.

"We passed it, there was this tree stump. This huge tree stump." Stiles added.

"It was when we first came to town Allison," Apollo coughed once more as he pushed himself off the ground. "We both saw it."

"It was when Scott got bit by Peter," Stiles told the hunter.

"Our car almost hit someone." Apollo looked at the wolf, the two seeming to put together the pieces.

"You almost hit me. We can find it." Scott looked to Deaton, Lydia, and Isaac with hope in his eyes.

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