29- The Unexpected Visit

Start from the beginning

"Nothing important darling. Now we should go to bed it's getting late"


"No, no, no, no buts"

"Come on George"

"No can so sunshine. I'll tell you some time in the future but not now"


"Before I forget here are your chocolate frogs your highness" He bowed as he handed you the chocolates.

"Why thank you" you laughed and looked at George. He was staring back at you, his eyes were twinkling and he had a huge smile on his face.

"What? Do I have something on my face?" you asked him.

"No, I'm just happy you could stay for the summer"

"I am too well I best be going. I have to write to Harry before going to bed"

"Very well darling. Goodnight (y/n)" He hugged you then placed a soft kiss on your forehead.

"Goodnight George, sweet dreams"

"Sweet dream (y/n)"

You went upstairs and entered Ginny's room quietly since you saw her sleeping. Half of her blanket was on the floor so before writing your letter you covered her up. "Goodnight Ginny" you whispered.

You sat in your bed and began writing a letter to Harry about all the events that had just taken place. Once finished you reread it, making sure that no detail about your first day was left out.

"Alright it's perfect. (y/o/n), take this to Harry okay make sure Harry gets it. Oh and give him these chocolate frogs okay. Go then my dear, be safe" Your owl gave a small hoot, took the letter and sweets then flew away. Once (y/o/n) was out of sight you went to your bed and started thinking about everything that had just happened your first day. It was just perfect. Eventually after much thinking, sleep won you over.


Everyday that passed by was incredible. You had grown a lot closer with each Weasley especially with Ron, Bill and Charlie. Although Ron was very close to Harry you two weren't as close but after spending weeks together in the Burrow you two grew closer. Whenever you weren't testing or helping out the twin's with their joke products you were either having a concert downstairs with the boys, playing quidditch with Ginny, helping Molly around the house, answering any questions Arthur had about the muggle world, helping Percy organize his paperwork since he trusted you or studying with Hermione who had arrived a month after you.

You would also write to Harry 2-3 times a week or sometimes just once a week since you didn't want your owls getting tired. From what you had learned, Vernon was frightened whenever Harry mentioned Sirius, Dudley was on a diet but Petunia forced everyone to participate and they didn't bother him. Upon hearing that Petunia forced everyone to participate in the diet you and Ron made sure to send him sweets whenever you could. For his birthday you made sure to send him a cake as well and apparently you weren't the only one since Ron, Hermione and Sirius had also sent him one.

Just like you and Harry, you also kept in touch with your father too but unfortunately you were only able to send three letters to each other in just the spam of two months since he was far away. Remus kept his word to Sirius and would visit from time to time which made your bond with him grow closer and stronger. In the absence of Sirius, Remus took on the role of being your father figure and he did an amazing job doing so. Although he couldn't turn into an animagus he started teaching you the chant you would have to say "Amato Animo Animato Animagus."


The Quidditch World Cup was just a day away and Mr. Weasley said that they would be picking up Harry via Floo Network. You, Fred, George and Ron would be going with Mr. Weasley to pick up Harry.

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