Chapter 2- The Lost & The Weary

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No no no no nononono. This- this can't be!

Kimora paces around, panicking, as she realizes just how dire of a situation she's in.

By the ancestor's above, how could I let this happen! To have run past the outskirts of the safety zone, how upset was I?!

Kimora nervously bites her gloved thumb, the faint taste of leather and dirt sharpen her mind as she starts to calm down. She didn't care at the moment that her gloves hadn't been washed in weeks, the taste always calmed her down.

With a shaky exhale of her nose she stops her pacing as she tries to piece the information she knows together so that she can start thinking logically and quit panicking.

"Okay, so I'm in the middle of uncharted territory, Monster territory. I couldn't have possibly gone that far from the markers. Good news is that the sun is still overhead which means I still have a couple of hours to get back before it gets dark. The last time I ate was a few hours before Grenda told me I had to go back home for some urgent news, which turned out to be my marriage proposal. Which was too much for you to handle so you ran off and that's how you got into this mess." Kimora mumbles into her fist as she looks down.

"You have all you need if things get dire. You have a knife to forage or gut a fish if you need to- Wait I do have my knife right?" Kimora cuts herself in worry as she pats her knife's sheath.

She tenses as she softly curses under her breath, looking down to her waist.

Oh don't tell me-

She moves her cloak out of the way as she continuously pats her very empty leather sheath.

"Oh no. I left it back in the garden didn't I?" Kimora says in exasperation.

Kimora lets out a groan of agony as she covers her eyes as she mentally berates herself.

Great, just great! She left her only weapon that she desperately needs in order to survive these woods. And she left at the same place she can't get back to!

She lets out a pathetic whine as she lowers her head in disappointment.

Sighing, she takes a couple of deep breaths as she lowers her hands.

"No no, it's fine, this is fine. At least you're still wearing your cloak. That's the most important thing right now. Think positive. You can still do this. Who cares if you don't have your knife? Just be as sneaky as possible and run at the first sign of danger. This will be easy, you've ventured through the woods many times before, you got this." Kimora softly pep talks to herself.

She slightly nods to herself as she starts to quietly walk in a random direction, quickly tugging her hood over her head.

She could feel the soft tingles of magic work down from her head, all the way to the soles of her feet.

Her face and legs became overshadowed, making it impossible for anyone to discern what she looked like.

"Besides the others would notice that I've been gone for too long, surely they would send a search party to find me. You are a high esteemed green mage after all. One of the strongest in your division, it would be strange of them not to." Kimora mumbles to herself as she quietly moves around a small bush.

Kimora smiles weakly to herself, slowly getting more reassured as time passes on.

"Yeah, I'm going to be okay." Kimora mumbles as she walks through the terrain of fallen leaves.


Forget what she said earlier, Kimora was NOT going to be okay.

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