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I rolled over to see my beautiful wife laying next to me. I can not believe I am back home where I belong. This woman is truly amazing.  I couldn't help but run my finger over her cheek.  She slowly opened her eyes and smiled at me.  
"Good morning Daddy," She said looking at me "We need to get up and get y'all ready to go get Xav's things.  He must have heard us talking.  He wrapped his arm around her pulling her away from me.  He rested his head on her shoulder giving me a sexy look and grinning.  I have missed these two so much.  It is not even about sex anymore they have been by my side for everything.  My wife and my husband. The mother and father of my girls. They look so perfect to me.  

Cat crawled out of bed and told us to get up because in about 5 minutes we were gonna have an excited 12 years old coming in.  We got up and got dressed and went downstairs with the girls. Hearing them yell Daddy is music to my ears. My little Ocean runs to me and jumps in my arms. "Daddy, are you taking Sky with you and Daddy Xavi?" I lean back and looked at her "Yes baby she is gonna go and help Daddy bring Daddy's things home" She started jumping in my arms. "So he wasn't fibbing all my daddies are gonna be home" I put her down and walked to Cat in the kitchen. I love the smell of her hair. In all of the years, I don't think she has changed her shampoo or maybe it is just her smell.

Xavier's POV

I walked into the kitchen and Jax is staring at Cat. I know he is happy to be home with her. I know I am.  I just wanna forget about my stuff and start over if it wasn't for my pictures and stuff like that.  "How much longer before you think we can leave?" I asked Jax he laid his head on the top of Cats ."As soon as our princess is ready to go"  I turned and heard her coming.  My precious baby girl.  She is starting to look like my beautiful wife.  "I am ready when you are ready Daddy."  

We loaded up in my truck waving bye to Cat Ryan and the girls. Sky was so excited she got to come with me and Jax.

Ryan's POV

Jax and Xavi are gone off to get Xavi things. I am so happy that we are all going to be back in the same home.  I know Momma Bear is happy.  I can see it on her face.  She came behind me and wrapped her arms around my waist.  "I got you alone for a little bit what you wanna do?" I turned around and looked at her "Hmmm take a nap." I said playing around.  She laughed and ran to the bedroom. I chased after her.  I ran into the room and she was laying on the floor.  She must have just fallen.  I walked to her and she started laughing.  I laughed with her.  "I guess I need to slow down". The girls heard us laughing and came running. I could not imagine my life without our girls. 

Cat pulled out her phone and showed me a picture of a house. She said that the girls would have their own room if they wanted. I know Sky wants her own room. We adults as she put it would have to share a room. "Oh God that is gonna kill us. I can't share a room with you" I tell her playing around. Ocean laughed " Daddy Ry you are crazy"

A few minutes later my phone rings. It was Jax
"Don't say anything out loud but we were just in a car wreck. Sky is ok but Xavier is pretty banged up." I looked at Cat and somehow she knew that something was wrong. " Ryan give me the phone now please." I heard Jax telling me, no but I can not tell her no.
"Jax what's wrong Care Bear"
The next thing I know she still has my phone to her ear and had her phone to her other "momma I need you to come to watch the babies, me and Ry have to go to Xavier." I got up and started packing an overnight bag for us. It's like we have been through this before but this time our baby girl is involved. Cat stayed so calm I really don't understand how. She is amazing.

We had an hour's drive ahead of us. Of course, I drove my queen. We had some small talk then she can out with "he hasn't woke up Ry " and that's when the tears came like a waterfall. I knew things were bad.

We finally got to the hospital where Jax was. Sky and Jax met us outside. Sky was crying so hard. Jax handed her to me and he grabbed Cat. "Please tell me what happened". We walked inside and he told us how the little red car ran the red light and hit Xavier's side going about 55 mph. "Daddy please tell me he is ok," Cat asked Jax. "I hope so Sweetheart, his girls need him, we all need him"   We got to the waiting room where we learned Xavier was still in surgery.  Cat asked Sky if she wanted to go home and be with her sisters. "NO Momma I need to be here for my Daddy when he wakes up." She is so brave.

A couple of hours went by and finally, a doctor came out to talk to us. Xavier's is in stable condition he has 4 broken ribs one pierced his left lung. They were able to catch it in time and stopped the bleeding.  He was still sleeping but as soon as the medicine wears off he should wake up. We took Sky to get something to eat. She didn't have much of an appetite though.  She was still shaken up about the whole thing. She was telling us about how the nurse looked at her funny when she was calling Jax Daddy. The nurse said to her "I thought your dad was in surgery"  she let out a giggle when she told us that she told the nurse "I have 3 Daddies" she loves telling people that she has 3 daddies. she lets everyone know she loves us all the same. 

Xavier was awake when we got back. Sky wanted to see her daddy, so Cat and she went in first.

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