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Its been a couple of weeks since we found out Catalina is pregnant.  She is so happy and well so are we. It only makes me wish I could have seen her pregnant with Sky.  She got a part time job at a little office down town we told her she didn't need to work but she wants to stay busy.  Sky is fixing to go on summer break from school. We are planning a surprise for her.  Jax wants to get married, but well the 3 of us legally can't get married.  We will figure it out soon before the baby is born.

I came home early then expected today and I heard Cat on the phone...
" I don't know where he is I haven't seen him since I left."
" I just told you I don't know Robert please leave me alone."
" They have nothing to do with anything leave them alone please ...."
" Ok I'll meet you when"
That's when I walked in she didn't see me yet. I could tell she was crying due to her voice.
" Tomorrow at noon the park on main ok"
She laid her phone down and put her hand on her belly. She cried out as I get grabbed her.
" What's wrong beautiful.?"
" Nothing babe just pregnancy hormones" she said lying to me.
" Who are they looking for Catalina... And don't fucking lie to me again." I didn't mean to yell but it pisses me off that she wouldn't tell me the truth. Her eyes was wide open because I yelled at her. " Marcus, that was Robert his brother"
"Why are you meeting him at the park tomorrow?"
"He wants to talk to me about him."
" I'm going with you"
" No he said he would kill you. I can't lose you Xavier"
"I can't lose you and our baby"

I didn't let her reply I walked away. I needed to make some calls. It was odd Jax wasn't here. I wonder where he was. I couldn't worry about that, I needed to worry about this motherfucker messing with my woman.
I called some guys to come to the house and watch it. We was about to have a full house. I ain't gonna let anything happen to beautiful woman and my boyfriends child.
Cars started pulling in and men started coming in the house. Cat started to get scared

Me: where are you?
Jax: I had to take care of something.
Me: Well you need to get back asap some motherfucker is after Catalina because of Marcus.
Jax: I'll be there in 20 minutes.

Cat started cooking , she does that when she is nervous. " I guess we are gonna have some hungry men around " she said smiling at me and kissing me..." I'm scared Daddy...." She never calls me daddy anymore. I look at her " baby it's going to be ok I promise"
It was time to pick my daughter up. Me and Cat got in my truck well I put her I'm my truck and then had some guys follow us to the school. My
" Wow daddy there's a lot of big trucks following us." Sky said looking back at the guy's
" Those are Daddy's friends Sky.... They are gonna come to the house with us" Cat said grabbing my hand and holding it tight.
We got home and Jax was still not here.
Cat's mom took Sky to her room to hang out... Ryan filled her in when she got home. 
Cat wanted me to lay with her for a little bit.
"Jax is cheating on us Xavier"
" No he ain't baby"
She handed me her phone and showed me pictures of him and his ex at the park with a kid a little older than Sky. Then I looked again it's the redhead from years ago that was at the party the night we hurt Cat.
I get my phone ....

Me: So .... You gonna hurt her again. She having your child
Jax:What the fuck you talking about
I sent him the picture of him sitting on the bench with his arm around the chick. He didn't reply for a couple of minutes.

Jax:I can explain.... I'll be home in couple of minutes.
Me: I don't think she wants you to explain.
I took a picture of her tear stained sleeping face and another of her holding her belly and sent to him.
Jax: fuck


I just looked at the pictures Xav sent.  Amber asked me who she was. I have already lied so much I'm done lying... " That's Catalina..she is my girlfriend she is pregnant with my baby"
"Catalina.... She's Xavier's baby's momma.  Wait a fucking minute is she the girl I heard you had sex with when I was pregnant with Blade at that party." I looked at her and looked down.
I didn't want to tell her that it wasn't "sex" I raped her.  I should have told Cat and Xav that Amber told me I was Blades father. Here I was worries over Cat ruining my life years ago when this bitch did. I don't know why I fell in to her trap again. Now I need to go take care of Cat.
" So your just gonna leave me and your son for her. Don't she have Xavier to run to like always?"
" You will never understand Amber ... I have to go"
" She's just trying to trap you like she did Xavi"
"Really she's trying to trap me like she trapped him, she didn't come back for Xavier.. she didn't even tell him about Sky she planned on raising her on her own like she did for the past 6 years. I wanted to get her pregnant I did it on purpose. "
"You will come running back to me again when find out it's Xavier kid."
"And if it is my boyfriends baby then so be it but we know whose it is because we planned it. So fuck off ... And I ain't giving you another dime until you get a dna ..."

Damn that bitch talking about Cat trapping me she the one trapping some one. Now I have to go explain to my pregnant girlfriend what's going on in the middle of someone trying to hurt her. Damn I am just a fuck up all the way around.

When I get to the house I see most of the guys are here. I walked in and of course my princess comes running to me " Uncle Jax mommy is crying and she said it's the baby making her."
" Where is she at"
"In the kitchen she is making lagona  for a whole bunch for Daddy's friends."
I put her down and go to walk into the kitchen.. " oh Daddy please just once... I won't ask again". She doesn't call him Daddy anymore what the fuck.
" No baby I'm not eating a pepper"
" Oh Daddy you no love me anymore... Oh well I'll just give it to Ryan."
" Oh Ryan come here you sexy fucker" she said coming out of the kitchen running in to me. She looked up and then walked around me. "Ry will you eat this for me?" She asked him throwing her arms around his neck. I was pissed. She turned and smiled at me looked me up and down and whispered something in his ear. He picked her up and took her to the kitchen.
I followed them
" What the fuck is going on here..."
Xavier didn't even look at me and Ryan laughed "Dude lighten up we are playing... She's got a big bad bully after her and we are trying to keep her mind off of it... You would know if you wasn't with Amber and the kid she says is yours."
I looked at Cat and she rubbed her belly. 
" Daddy I want some pickles" she said looking at me but putting her arms around Xavi neck.
"I'm not gonna walk away from you yet Jaxson  I am going to let you explain yourself. And you need to find out asap if Blade is yours. It's a small town..... People think I cheated on Xavier with you well we can keep it that way and I stay with just Xavi if that's what you want." She never let go of him, he was now kissing her neck " if you still want to be with me then you know what have to do"  I knew what I had to do.
Her phone goes off and she hands it to Xavi... " He wants to meet today" he told Ryan.
" I will go get ready .... Momma watch Sky and dinner the first 2 trays are ready in 30... I have to take care of something"

"Wait you aren't putting my baby at risk over the motherfucker I ...."
" You what killed ... Well I'm gonna kill this one." She said

A few minutes later I walked in to the room with her and Xavi. He was handing her a gun.
"What the fuck man..."
" If you don't like what I have to do to keep my child and your bastard son safe the fucking leave. It's not just Sky now he fucking seen you with that boy and well he will kill both of them.... "

" You don't fuck with a pregnant woman and her child

Stay✅findhedfindhedbrong Rewritten Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant