heading to the beach

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We let Sky play for a little bit longer. I sat and stared off as a million thoughts ran through my mind. I am afraid Xavier and Jax are going to do. I saw it in Xav's face. He may have just found out Sky is his daughter but he already loves her more than life itself. Nobody will hurt his daughter. My momma told me the rumors she heard that Xavier and Jax are part of a gang or something like that. I remember when we were in school there always was a bunch of guys they hung out with and did shit with.

I can tell things have changed with Xav. He ain't how I remember there is something different. I'll figure it out.  I can't stop thinking about the kiss either. 

It was time to go. Sky was upset but she calmed down when I reminded her about her Daddy meeting us tomorrow at the beach.

I told momma I would drive. I got in and Jax's truck smelt so good.. Like men's cologne. It took me back to when we were dating. We were together for almost a year before something changed. We use to have so much fun together. I can say I truly loved him. I was happy with him. At least he was honest with me. Sometimes I miss him then what he did to me floods the good memories I have of us.

We stopped at the store for Sky a snack and I was going through my phone a noticed Xav put his and Jax number in my phone. I decided to send them a text.

Me: hey .... How's thing going?
Xavier: Hey beautiful.. things are ok ... You get a room yet?

Me: Not yet we let Sky play a little longer and now at a store getting her a drink.

Xavier: ok just let us know what hotel and room number

Me: please be careful both of you.

Jax: ok😉

Xavier: ok see you soon

I have butterfly's in my stomach now. I don't know why. We get back on the road and before I know it we are at the beach. We find a hotel and get up to the room and get settled. I forgot my phone in the truck so I run down to get it and I had a missed call and 3 text messages. I sat in the truck looking around being nosy while I check my messages and I pull the visor down and there is a picture of me and Jax ... I opened my messages ...

Xavier: hey beautiful me and Jax are heading your way.

Me: ok we are at Hilton room 440

Then I saw Jax sent me a text but not in the group text

Jax: Hey sweetheart I know you don't want me around you so when we get there I will just go back home and hopefully see you when you come back.

Me: Jax I am sitting here looking at our picture in your truck. ...you don't have to leave. I think I would like you to stay.

Jax: ok but at any time I will leave.

Me: see you when you get here

I got back up to the room and Sky and my mom was already asleep. I decided to take a walk on the beach until the guys got here.

The sound of the water hitting the and was relaxing. I sat down on the beach and my thoughts went wild. A lot of what if's. Like what if I would have never left where would we be would Xav and gotten together or would he have turned his back on me  Then my thoughts went to Jax. I know he regrets what he did I see it when he looks at me. Then seeing the picture in his truck. I believe I will be able to get past our past well the bad parts... I never want to forget the good memories we have together.

I can't believe I am a 24-year-old single mother that had to run back to my momma and I have a mad man wanting to kill me and my daughter. Why I don't understand. I never did anything to him. I will do anything to protect my baby.

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