remember me

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Jax is still in the coma it's been 5 weeks now. Xavier somehow had him transferred to our town so I could be with him and Sky also. For the first 3 weeks my mom kept Sky for me. The doctors and nurses in fort white was amazing to me. They brought a bed and put it next to Jax so I could sleep with him. Here I have to come home at night. Which is ok because I need to be with Sky and Xavier. He is hurting so bad. He has only been to see Jax a couple of times since we have been back.
I'm staying the night with him tonight. He doesn't know though. He thinks we are just going out to dinner.
I walked over to Xavi after getting Sky settled down for my mom. I hear him on the phone
" Dude you don't understand this is killing me."
" Nah I have to stop seeing her"
"This is serious she's in love with him too"
He wants to stop seeing me ... Should I stop going to the hospital to. I feel the tears fall so I walk to where he can see me.
" Hey man Cat's here I'll call you later." He acted normal then he looked up from his phone. " Baby why are you crying?" He asked me
" You don't want to see me anymore?" I asked him with tears falling faster. " Should I stop going to see Jax also? I don't want to cause any problems for you when he wakes up?"
" Oh God baby I wasn't talking about you. There is this chick that's in the next town over I was talking to. I haven't been talking to her since you came back. I was telling Benny I was serious about you and it's killing me keeping it from you." He told me putting his hand under my chin so I would look at him. He puts his lips really close to mine like he is gonna kiss me. " I let you go once beautiful... I won't ever let you go again. I wanna make us official. I wanna be able to call you mine." He kisses me " I know Jax is not with us but I know he feels the same."
I look up at him " are you sure this is what you want Xav? Are you sure I am what you want ... and not because I am Skylar's mother. Because we can still raise her together and not have to be together." I ask him as i try to pull away from him. " Catalina I love you .. I have loved you for a long time. You know how you said you compared other men to me and Jax well I have done the same with other women. No one has ever came close to you. They have only wanted to be with me because of who I am and my money. You didn't even know what I was and still wanted me. You wanted me for me. You have always wanted me for me nothing else."

Ring Ring

"It's the hospital "


"Mrs. Mason this is Anna At the hospital I am calling about Jax."

"Is he awake?"

"Yes ma'am"

"OK we will be there in 15 minutes"

"Ok we will see you then"

"OMG Xavi he is awake"

"Let's go see our man baby"

We got to the hospital about 15 minutes later. Xavi grabbed my hand holding it tight. We walk in to his room. He looked at us with a dumbfounded look on his face. I went him and kissed his forehead . "Oh care bear I have missed you so much" I tell him with my lips still on his forehead. Xavi came up behind me and rubbed my back as I pulled away so he could give him as kiss. Jax stopped him. I looked at him and asked him " Are you ok Jax?"

JAX:" Yeah Catalina I fine what are you guys doing here? "

CAT:" We are waiting for you to wake up and come home. Sky misses her Uncle Jax so much."

JAX:I don't understand Cat... Why are you waiting on me?

CAT: Care bear we can't be without you.

XAV: Baby what's the last thing you remember love?

JAX: I went out of town and I called you and told you I wasn't coming home.

CAT: Ok, so baby you came home to me that night.

JAX:I did

XAV: Yes you did and the 3 of us slept in bed together no we didn't do anything else. The next morning Cats momma made us breakfast and told our daughter that her momma should marry us both because we make her happy

CAT: It's ok baby if you don't remember when you get better I will remind you what you did to me on the kitchen counter

I crawled in bed with him and put his arm around me " I'm not letting you go again Jax I love you to much and so does Xavi. Oh and don't get me started on our daughter you hung the moon in her eyes. "

It hurt a little that Jax don't remember some things Xavi went and spoke to the doctor about his memory loss. I stayed in bed with Jax. He felt a little distant to me. I know he will come around if his feeling is true. I asked him if i could see his chest i wanted to see if the hole healed. I pulled the bandage back and it wasn't the hole that made me gasp. It was my name and my daughters name tattooed on his chest. Xavier walked in and seen that i was looking at our names. my eyes filled with tears my fingers went to it and traced it. I looked at Jax and he looked down " I remember getting this " he said looking at Xavi " show her "

"Show me what Xavi " I was confused I looked at him and he lifted his shirt up and he had the same tattoo. " how come you didn't show me before Xav... "

" i didn't think it was a good time I wanted Jax to be with me when we showed you." He said as he walked to the side of the bed. " do you believe me now?"

"What are you talking about believing you Xavi, what did you do?"

Xav told Jax about me hearing him talking about the girl in the next town. And how he told me he wanted us to be officially together.

JAX:"How long have i been here" he asked

CAT:"you was in fort white for 3 weeks and here for 2 and half weeks"

XAV: I had you moved here because Cat stayed at the hospital with you and me and her mom kept Sky.

CAT: In fort white they put a bed next to you so i could sleep with you at night"

I looked at Jax and his eye are glazed over.

CAT: Aww care bear

JAX: You called me that the night i came back when I was looking at Sky sleeping. Xav told you I only jump when you call my name out.

CAT: Yes baby you are remembering .... now we got to get you better.

JAX: I wanna see my princess

XAVI: I already called momma she is bringing her up and dinner

I got out of Jax's bed to go pee, I think they thought i couldn't hear them in the bathroom.They started talking about the day he got shot. Jax told Xav that he remembered the last thing they was talking about before the shooting began. It was me. He said he couldn't get his mind off of what he did to me before they left. Then he asked if me and Xav have had sex. No we haven't . Yes i was planning on it tonight but Jax waking up must have been a sign that i wasn't ready. Xavi told him he didn't want to push the 'sex' thing until I was fully ok with being with them. Man he is really a good guy with a bad boy image. Hmm My Bad Boy

I hear my baby come in so i hurry out to them. She is standing next to the bed "Oh uncle Jax you're awake. Did mommy kiss you to wake you up?"

" She kissed me a lot but it just took a while to kick in for me to wake up my Sky"

"OH I missed you uncle Jax.....Mommy did to and daddy.... I seen him crying one night."

"Well if you wanna hide anything make sure this little thing ain't around cause she will tell your secrets " I tell them then i giggled.

Jax spent 2 more weeks in the hospital. His heart healed better than they thought Hmm guess me and Xav's love for him worked. He is coming home today I couldn't be more excited. He still has to take it easy for a whole. Which is ok he just has to put up with being teased i mean me taking care of him....I'm ready for them to make me thiers.

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