Chapter 10

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Here we go guys- its the big explanation! Strap yourselves in, grab some popcorn, maybe some tissues and a feels blanket- you're gonna need it!

The song for this chapter is quite fitting I think, if you listen to the lyrics :) its 'Promise' by Ben Howard! '

Kait x

Thorin leads the way along the winding paths of Rivendell's gardens, softly glowing lamps the only light apart from the crescent moon. Eventually he reached a stone bench alongside the pathway, and stops, motioning for you to sit down. You sit, the cold stone cool through the fabric of your breeches, and he sits down beside you, mere inches away.

"I thought that you would rather we had this discussion alone and undisturbed," he explained, staring at the ground, fingers knitted together.

"You thought correctly," you manage to say, heart beating fast in your chest. You feel sick, sick with love and worry and the realisation that he's here, right in front of you. That this conversation, the one you've been dreaming of for so long, is finally happening.

"First of all," he starts, "I want to apologise for yesterday." He grimaces slightly, another familiar expression.

"I didn't mean to get so angry, I just-," he pauses "I'm having trouble understanding why. Why did you keep yourself away, keep us apart, for all this time?"

Your anger towards him dissipates, and you feel a surge of pity and regret. You caused this.

"But if you had given me a change to explain myself, then the whole argument could have been avoided," you said quietly.

"I know," he admitted. "And for that I am sorry. But, I need to know."

His gaze bored into your eyes, as if it were seeing right into your soul. "Why?"

That last word broke your heart. Tears threatened to spring forward, but you fought hard to suppress them.

"Thorin," you begin, and he lifted his head to look at you, your eyes meeting his. "I don't know where to begin."

"You could start with that night, the last time I saw you," he said lowly, looking away again. Your heart cracked a little more, and you resisted the urge to wrap your arms around him. You had caused this. And now it was time to fix it. Or try to.

And so you told him.

~~~~FLASH BACK~~~~
You looked down at the love of your life's face, saw him bent down on one knee. The ring glittered in the sun's final light, gems catching in the sun's rays.

"Azyung-" you began, tears forming in your eyes. You knew that this day would come. You had known it for months now, ever since Thraín had pulled you aside that day in the halls of Erebor.

"My son intends to wed you," he had confided, and your heart has soared with joy. But now it fell to your feet, crumpled and black, for what Thraín had said next had broken you.

"This cannot come to pass. I believed you were but a distraction, a chance for him to sow his wild oats before settling down with someone suited to his status. And that is not you. You will always be welcome within our halls, just not as Thorin's beloved. Unless," he had added with a derisive laugh "the two of you make an arrangement, after he is married to a suitable bride. A life as his mistress is better than nothing, hmm?"

You had been repulsed, revolted even, and upon voicing your disgust, Thrain hardened again. "No son of mine will ever wed the likes of you, by Mahal I swear it. He needs a highborn dwarf lady, not a childhood companion. You will reject his proposal, or you will be executed for treason the very next day."

"Into Your Arms" - A Thorin Oakenshield FanficWhere stories live. Discover now