Chapter 1

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Bilbo Baggins blinked his eyes sleepily and the warm morning light washed over him. Then he sat bolt upright. Why was it so... quiet?

He peered here and there, tiptoeing through his hobbit hole. But there was not a dwarf in sight! He sighed contentedly, and walked back towards his kitchen. But then he spotted the contract, still sitting on his table.

Gandalf's words came back to him so clearly, and it was as if the old wizard was there, whispering in his ear. " the world is not in your books, Master Baggins..."

And the hobbit made up his mind.


"Wait! Wait!" A small voice cried out from behind the Company, and Thorin slowed his pony with a soft tug on its reins.

"What was it this time?" He thought irritably. They could not afford any more delays.

The hobbit came crashing out of the bushes, pack strapped to his back, and the contract clenched in his hand. Thorin tried not to roll his eyes. Hobbits.

"I've signed it!" Mr Baggins cried triumphantly, waving the parchment around. Balin, Thorin's most trusted advisor and closest friend, took the parchment and examined it. After a few seconds, he declared "All seems in order," and smiled at the hobbit.

"Mr Baggins, welcome to the Company of Thorin Oakenshield!" Gandalf heralded, and everyone grinned at the young hobbit. Except Thorin, of course.

"Get him a pony," he ordered, and set off once again. He hoped, by Durin's beard, that this hobbit wouldn't be more trouble than he was worth. Otherwise Thorin might be liable to do or say things he would regret.

"Wait! We have to stop! I've forgotten my pocket handkerchief!"


Hi, just wanted to ask you guys what you think so far :) Do you like the suspense of finding out who the female character is, and what she wants? Also just wanted to know if you guys like all the different perspectives, or if its too confusing.

If youre enjoying the story, don't forget to vote and comment! I'd love to hear from you :)


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