Chapter 8

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Hi guys, hope you're all wonderful and happy :)

Theres going to be a confrontation soon enough, maybe in this chapter, maybe the next, you'll have to wait and see.

I was a little conflicted about which song to pick for this chapter, due to some events that take place *wink wink Thorin interaction wink wink*, but I've finally settled on a song, :) "Out of the Woods" by Taylor Swift :) It's quite short, but I hope you like it ^.^

Also, thoughts on a ship name for Thorin and you please :) I thought of ThoriY/N because it sounds similar to Thorin, but I'm not sure. Comment your suggestions :) Don't forget to vote and comment!!!!

Kait x


The path was twisting and turning, with roughly hewn rock walls that dwarfed you all, even Gandalf. You and the Company had to shuffle along in single file, awkwardly waddling along. It was a tight fit, and your shoulders would brush the walls if you moved slightly to either side.

No one had any idea where they were going, except for Gandalf maybe. The old wizard had kept very quiet as everyone trundled along behind, eyes peering nervously ahead. You could encounter anything on the path, and it would be very hard to fight back in such an enclosed space. Clutching the talisman around your neck, you prayed that everything would be okay.

Feeling the talisman's shape under your fingers, you realised that soon you would have to explain everything to Thorin. The realisation caused a chilling feeling to enter your stomach, and you bumped into Bofur, who was walking in front of you. Then you realised that Bofur had stopped. In fact, everyone had stopped. Wait, they were moving again.

You filed along in the middle of the line, until you saw what they were marveling at. The passageway had ended, and a beautiful property lay before you all. Towering rock walls surrounded it, protecting the tranquil beauty. Waterfalls softly showered the lush plants, and birds could be heard twittering sweetly in the bushes. The buildings were smooth and tapering, elegant and graceful, shining white under the sun's fading light.

"The valley of Imraldis," Gandalf heralded to the group. "But in the common tongue it is known by another name."

"Rivendell," breathed Bilbo, his face shining with delight.

"Here lies the last Homely House east of the sea." Gandalf smiled slightly.

Thorin's face immediately darkened. "This was your plan all along!" He accused Gandalf. "To seek refuge with the enemy."

'You have no enemies here, Thorin Oakenshield " Gandalf said sharply, gazing intensely at the dwarf. "The only ill will to be found in this valley is that which you bring yourself!"

"You think the elves will give our quest their blessing?" Thorin argued, a derisive look on his face. "They will try and stop us."

"Of course they will," Gandalf replied. "But we have questions that need to be answered."

Too right.

"If we are to be successful, this will need to be handled with tact, respect and no small degree of charm. Which is why you will leave the talking to me." The wizard began to wander down a path leading off the ledge.

"Come!" He called.

Gandalf lead you and your companions down the path, across a narrow, delicately engraved bridge and into the quiet city.  You are ushered into a beautiful courtyard, and no sooner had Gandalf looked around than a young, dark-haired elf began to descend the stairs.

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