Chapter 16

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The sequel to 'Into Your Arms is going to be launched soon too! It's titled.... "Lost Without You!" Woot woot! I'm so excited to be starting the new book asap, but first let's finish the first one :P

The song for this chapter is "I Bet My Life," by Imagine Dragons!

I hope you guys love it, cause I love you!

There were voices murmuring around him, he could hear them whispering and muttering. Something hard was poking into his back uncomfortably, and his limbs ached terribly, as though he'd rolled down a hill peppered with sharp rocks.

Someone was crying, their sniffling audible above the murmurs. Something wet dripped onto his face.

Thorin Oakenshield opened his eyes.
You sobbed even harder when Thorin opened his eyes, and fell onto his chest, cuddling into his shoulder. His hand stroked soothingly down your back, and you pulled back to look at him. The dwarf you loved. Battered and bruised, but not broken.

"I thought you were..." you hiccup, and sitting up, he shushes you, pulling you into a proper hug. You inhale the smell of him deeply, revelling in the fact that he is safe. And in your arms.

"Why did you jump in front of that orc?" He says worriedly, brow furrowed. "You could have been killed!"

"I couldn't let you die, Thorin," you say, shaking your head to emphasise you words. "Not when we've only just recconected. I-I"
You're overcome with a fresh wave or tears, and Thorin holds you in his arms as you cry.

"I'm angry that you put your life in danger for me, but right now, I'm just glad you're ok," He says into your hair. Pulling you back to look at you, he gazes into your eyes.

"I think I heard you singing, while I was unconscious," He murmurs, stroking your cheek. "The song you used to sing to me. Was it just a dream?"


Sitting on the picnic blanket on the grass fields outside of Erebor, the remnants of your lunch strewn around you. The sky is a clear blue, like sapphire, and Thorin has his head in your lap, staring up at the cloudless sky.

Your fingers stroke through his hair absently as you observe the beauty of the landscape around you. The blurry outline of Laketown in the distance. The bright sun beating down upon you. Sneaking a peek down, you notice Thorin is looking intently up at you.

"What?" You shift self-consciously, tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear.

"Nothing," he smiles contentedly. "Will you sing something for me?"


You feel your face heat up, and look down shyly. "You weren't supposed to hear that," you mutter wryly, drying your tears, and he chuckles.

He leans forward suddenly and kisses your forehead. "Well I'm not sorry I did". His words are thick with the promise of later conversation.

He looks around at the Company surrounding you both where you sat, grinning down.

"The hobbit," Thorin asks suddenly. "Where is he?"

"Bilbo is fine," Gandalf reassures him, smiling slightly. Thorin moves to get up, and Dwalin and Kili step forward to help as he staggers to his feet. You also get up, wiping your nose on your sleeve, and watch as Thorin turns his attention to Bilbo, who is standing slightly away from the group.

"Into Your Arms" - A Thorin Oakenshield FanficWhere stories live. Discover now