Chapter 12

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And the song for this chapter is.....
"From Afar" by Vance Joy!!!!! :3
I'd also like to announce my editor/helper person/awesome gal, @BloodyAngelJay! ^.^
The cave was dark but mercifully dry, a relief after being stuck in the freezing rain and storm. You shiver slightly as you wander in after your companions. Every part of you is soaked to the skin, despite your thick travelling clothes.

Nori and Bofur light some torches, and the full size of the cave comes into view. Its a fairly snug cave, with craggy rock walls and a low ceiling, but being twelve dwarves and a hobbit, you all fit in nicely.

It's only now, after the excitement of the overpass, you remember Gandalf's absence with a jolt. Where was the wise wizard? You sigh contemplatively. Hopefully he would will rejoin you all soon. For you have a feeling you might need him again sooner rather than later.

Everyone sets down their gear and prepares to settle in for the night, pulling out their bedrolls. You set yours down beside Fili and Kili, by one of the cave's walls. You try to undo the knots that hold the bedroll, but your fingers are stiff, trembling and frozen with cold, refusing to bend to your will. You grind your teeth in frustration, muttering Dwarvish curses beneath your breath.

"Here," a voice says, and a pair of rough, large hands take the bedroll from yours. Thorin makes quick work of the knots, spreading out the bedroll on the rock floor. You smile in thanks at him, teeth chattering from the cold.

A look of concern crosses his face, and he reaches out and grabs one of your hands. He recoils, swearing.

"Mahal, you're frozen solid!" He mutters. Plucking your blanket from the floor, he drapes it around your shoulders, and clasping your blue hands together, brings them up to his lips.

His warm breath blowing on your hands warms you, and you shiver again as you feel yourself warming up. "Thank you," you murmur

"Get some rest, Y/N," he tells you, smiling crookedly, and turns away to set up his own bedroll.

You lie down on yours, now somewhat warmer, and turn to see that all the other dwarves have already fallen asleep. Fili and Kili are curled up side by side next to you. Small snores escape Fili, while Kili sleeps peacefully, mouth slightly open. Fuzzy lumps spread out on the floor of the cave show that the others are all sound asleep, except Bofur, who has the first watch.

Rolling over onto your other side, you face Thorin. But what you don't expect is the dwarf prince looking right back at you, blue eyes solemn. You blush slightly after a moment of intense eye contact, and he looks away.

"Y/N?" he asks quietly.


He pauses for a moment, before finally speaking. "If you could go back to that night, when everything happened, if my grandfather and father hadn't asked you to reject me...."

"Yes Thorin?" You ask, hardly daring to breathe. He looks into your eyes with that piercing, unabashed gaze.

"Would you have chosen differently?" He murmurs, his deep blues holding you captive.

The question is so abrasive, so deep and personal, it shocks the words right out of your mouth. You are silent for a moment, and he quickly adds, "You do not have to tell me, Y/N. I apologise, that was very forward-"

"Yes". You say it so quietly, you don't think he has heard it, but the expression on his face tells you otherwise. Its indescribable, a mixture of swirling emotions that most definitely aren't negative.

"Into Your Arms" - A Thorin Oakenshield FanficWhere stories live. Discover now