Chapter 13

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Hey guys ^.^

The song for this chapter is....
Guts Over Fear by Eminem ft Sia ^.^
Another odd song choice, but this was the one that fit the best out if the ones I had. Hope you like!!!!

On another note, if you dont usually read my rambling author notes, please read this time!!!

You scream in shock and fear as the world drops from beneath you, jolting you from your sleep. The world is a blur of dim and darkness, with white specks rushing past you as you and your companions plummet down the tunnel. A second later, you realise they're torches jutting out from the roughly hewn walls.

Your screams cease and you look around, coming to your senses. You spot Thorin falling beside you. Hes shouting something, but you can't make it out above the wind roaring in your ears. His hand stretches out in an effort to grab yours, but you're distracted when the end of the dim tunnel comes into view.

Everyone tumbles through the end of the tunnel, and into a hapzard pile. You're contained inside some sort of catching device made of scraps of timber roughly cobbled together. You land at the very top of the pile of dwarves, groaning in pain and shock, and it takes you a second you realise that you're perched on top of Thorin. And, you realise, blushing, in different circumstances, from past experience, its quite a compromising position to be found in. Looking down, you meet Thorin's eyes to see he's giving you that look again, like the look he gave you mere hours ago. For one crazy second, amoidst all the chaos and fear, you think he's going to kiss you.

But you only have another second to be embarrassed before Bombur lands on top of you, crushing you into Thorin. All the other dwarves groan as the rotund dwarf's weight squishes them even more, and colourful curses reach your ears. Meeting Thorin's eyes again, you chuckle slightly, a smile playing at the corners of your lips. He too has a ghost of a smile on his face, but it's quickly wiped when screeches and shouts can be heard nearby.

"Goblins!" You shout, and the Company springs into action, untangling themselves and grabbing their fallen weapons. The horde of creatures came into view, and their sheer numbers overwhelmed you swiftly. For every dwarf, there were ten goblins. There was no way you could win this fight.

The creatures rush along a path of ragged floorboards towards you, and you brandish your sword, opting for a defensive stance. But when they get close enough to strike at they grab you, fencing you in with their bodies. Chittering growls and foul breath filling your ears, and you struggle futilely against their greasy, grime-streaked forms. They shuffle you all forward, and begin to frogmarch everyone down the rickety path they had came from, down into the bowls of their accursed kingdom.

As you and your Companions are shoved onward by the hissing and shrieking goblins, you try and get a better look at your surroundings. Rotting floorboards and pieces of wood are haphazardly connected to the walls, making pathways and shelters. There are hundreds of little pathways, held up only by filth, the rock walls and whatever materials the goblins could find. More ominously, most of the structures are decorated with bones that look suspiciously humanoid.

Raucous, screeching singing can be heard as you are roughly herded down the path, thousands of goblins crowding their dilapidated shanties to point and jeer at you. At first, the words are a jumbled mess, but soon you make out some lyrics.

"Pound pound, far underground,
down, down, down, in Goblin Town!"

A chill seeps through your bones as the end of path comes into view. A hapzardly constructed deck of wooden planks makes up a receiving area, and a large, roughly erected throne. Threads of bones and oddments are grisly ornaments, and a smell of death and filth hangs in the air.

"Into Your Arms" - A Thorin Oakenshield FanficWhere stories live. Discover now