Chapter 11

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Song for this chapter is.... "High Hopes" by Kodaline!!!! ^.^ If you guys ever want to know the reason why I choose each song, or have other song reccomendations, just throw a comment my way, I love talking to you guys :3


Bofur  gently shakes you awake just before sunrise, smiling slightly as you yawn.

"Wake up, stone head," he teases, "We've got to hit the road."

You yawn again sleepily and mumble grumpily, snuggling back into your bedroll. The sun is just beginning to peak over the mountains that shelter Rivendell from the outside world. You, despite being a morning person, aren't really keen to be up and about so early today.

But with a few more whispered words and pokes, Bofur managed to drag you out of bed. You surfaced to the mortal world, staring around grumpily as the other members of the company began to rise and pack up their belongings. Thorin, already up and about by the time you surfaced, utters a polite 'good morning', offering a smile that you return, despite the churning in your gut at the sight of him.

Fili and Kili eventually turn up at your side, laughing at your bed hair. "Shut up," you said irritably, conscious of the fact that Thorin may have smiled at your ridiculous bed hair, rather than you.  But his nephews just laughed, ruffling your hair so it was even messier. It took you ages to get the knots and tangles out.

After a breakfast of cold sausages and a sip of ale, everyone is ready to go. Someone wakes up the hobbit just as you all were about to leave, and he trundles along behind everyone as they quietly made their way out of Rivendell, rubbing sleep from his eyes.

"Where is Gandalf?" You asked Fili as you pass through the gates of Rivendell and into a mountain pass. "He'll catch up, " the dwarf shrugged, adjusting his pack.

You watch Thorin trudge ahead of you for a while, trying to pluck up the courage to walk beside him. Suddenly the dwarf stops in his path, causing the rest of the Company to halt, jostling each other as the convoy halts. "Be on your guard," he calls to everyone, "We are about to step over the edge into the wild."

His haunting blue eyes meet yours, and you shiver for a brief moment. His gaze makes you feel as if you've been zapped by lightning all over again.

"Balin," Thorin addresses the old dwarf, breaking away from your eyes. "You know these paths. Lead on."

Balin takes the lead from Thorin, and the Company is on the move again, trudging up the slope.

You look back over your shoulder, determined to get one last glimpse of Rivendell. Despite the fact that you regarded elves with suspicion, this city was one of great beauty. Especially in the early morning light, when the sun reflected off the graceful white arches if the city buildings. It would be wasteful to ignore such a sight.

You noticed you were not the only one treasuring your last glance. Bilbo Baggins was also standing still on the path, his keen eyes filled with wonder, though also with sadness.

"Master Baggins," you and the hobbit turned to see Thorin looking back at you both. "I suggest you keep up," he said gruffly, turning to continue walking after the group.

You began to walk forward, mouth open, ready to protest. After all, you both had simply been enjoying your last view of a beautiful city, probably the only time you would ever visit Rivendell. Why not enjoy it while it lasted?

"You too, Y/N," he added in a lighter tone, turning back around to face you. "Or I will be forced to throw you over my shoulder."

"I'm no damsel in distress, Oakenshield," you shot back, walking a little faster to try and keep up with the other dwarf's heavy strides.  Even as the image of being thrown over such a nice shoulder gave you more pleasure than it should.

"Into Your Arms" - A Thorin Oakenshield FanficWhere stories live. Discover now