Chapter 5

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Hey guys :) So this chapter contains a bit from Thorin's POV, you'll see more about how he's feeling which is great, right?

There's not much interaction between the two in this chapter, but you'll see why, I'm just trying to keep everything slow and steady, I hate rushed fanfics :/ And the angst between them will be electric :P

The song for this chapter is...... "I'm a Mess" by Ed Sheeran!!!! Yay :)


Kait x


Fili and Kili lead the Company further into the thick forest until they reach a small opening in a shelf of rock. When the rest of the dwarves and Gandalf and you were standing around the opening, Fili waves his hands towards it and exclaims, "Ta-da!"

"It's a cave," said one of the other dwarves flatly (You believed it was Gloin), "And what, in Mahal's name, is so amazing about a cave?"

"Ah, its not the cave thats amazing, Mr Gloin, but what's inside it," jested Kili, his dark eyes twinkling.

One by one, the Company sauntered through the gap that was the cave's mouth, with you and Gandalf bringing up the rear.

The smell was the first thing you noticed, and you covered your nose, coughing. The cloying stench of death and decay, partnered with dirt and dung, was hardly nice on the nostrils.  Several of the other dwarves grumbled, flapping their hands to try and ward away the reeking stench.

The cave was very dark, almost pitch black, but after some torches were lit, everything could be seen clearly. And from the gasps of the company, the dwarves liked what they saw.

"It appears," said Gandalf, leaning on his staff. "That our dear friends the mountain trolls have a hidden horde. Be careful what you touch!"

A great deal of the weapons, chests of gold, and more morbidly, bones, were absolutely coated in dust and cobwebs. Relics lost to time, hidden in the depths of the troll's stash. As the dwarves explored the riches of the cave, Gandalf took it upon himself to introduce you to everyone in the Company.

You met Balin and Dwalin, who you had already known from your years in Erebor with Thorin. Dwalin refused to even look or speak to you, merely uttering a grunt, spreading fear inside your heart. What if all the dwarves reacted similarly, and no one accepted you?

  Balin, however, seemed to have put all quarrels, questions and bad blood aside, and warmly welcomed you to the Company, easing your worries.

Fili and Kili were lovely young dwarves, and were actually nephews to Thorin, as you had suspected earlier. You could see yourself becoming very fond of the young pranksters. Bifur, Bofur and Bombur were also nice enough, however Bifur only spoke ancient dwarvish and Bombur was yet to utter a word. You met Dori, Nori and then Ori, the baby of the company, who delighted in introducing you to every single pony, as he had named them all himself. The young dwarf then took the liberty to present you with your own pony, a shaggy bay mare named Daisy.

Oin and Gloin were next, and finally, the hobbit Bilbo Baggins. His presence sparked curiosity in you, and you asked Gandalf why he had decided to bringing a hobbit in a company full of dwarves.

"Because, Y/N, " he says, his large blue eyes meeting your smaller ones. "We require a burglar." With that in mind, your opinion of the hobbit plummets, and you decided to check your pack for missing items more often.

You then watched several of the dwarves bury a small chest of gold, and laughed when they explained it was a "long-term deposit." Your countrymen were nothing if not money-oriented.

"Into Your Arms" - A Thorin Oakenshield Fanficजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें