6- Quidditch Training

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"Why?" She asked confused.

He leaned close "It's simple, really." He whispered in her ear. She pushed him back roughly. "Then enlighten me," She asked, just under a yell and above a whisper.

"No. Who are you to ask that?" He spat dangerously low, his grip tightened on her neck. "You're nobody important to be asking personal things, like you even know me," He shook slightly.

It's like his attitude changed completely when he realised he was talking to a Mudblood, she thought bitterly.

Hermione slowly moved her hands to his hand that rested on her neck, and shoved it away roughly. She angrily pushed him back. "Don't touch me. You're nobody important to touch me like that, like you even know me," She spat his words right back at him. "Wouldn't want to catch my Mudblood germs now, would you?" Draco flinched back at her words.

She roughly pushed passed him and he felt stiff against her shoulder, like a stone. Not like on the train. On the train he felt weak, and flimsy.

She headed to the Quidditch field, leaving Draco. He showed up just in time for practice. Hermione sat down next to Pansy and Ginny. She distracted herself by watching the view and the players. The leaves blew softly against the wind, it was mesmerising. The sun shone brightly on Draco, he looked captivating, she thought.

Pansy and Ginny were giggling at her.

"What?" Hermione turned and laughed at them.

"We don't blame you for staring," Ginny said giggling with Pansy.

"Not my fault he looks good doing every thing," Hermione muttered under her breath.

Pansy and Ginny smirked at each other.

"Be careful what you think about him, Hermione," Pansy advised Hermione in a whisper.


"He's a skilled Legilimens, had to learn during Voldemort's reign, and skilled at Occlumency."

Hermione was stunned.

"But don't worry, you'll know if someone's looking into your mind." Pansy said.

The girls moved on from this topic quickly.

Hermione sighed, and looked at Draco, who was ordering his team to do all sorts of drills.

"Theo looks good in his uniform, don't you think?" Pansy said dreamily.

"Blaise looks better," Ginny said, inspecting her nails.

The two girls started bickering friendlily about who looked better. Hermione shook her head at them playfully.


Ravenclaw arrived later on in the afternoon for their session. Draco had asked their captain if they were up for a small practice game. Ravenclaw agreed.

Slytherin won, of course, and the Slytherin team flew down to the changing rooms, while Ravenclaw flew up to start their drills.

Blaise, Theo and Draco flew to the three girls.

"We'll see you lot later, we're headed to Hogsmeade," Ginny said grinning.

"Good job today guys, you all did well," Pansy smiled, blushing at Theo.

"Any chance we can tag along?" Blaise asked eagerly.

"Nope, this is a girls trip only," Hermione giggled at Blaise's face. She knew he wanted to come along to spend time with Ginny.

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