"He must have won a match. Hey, maybe I should go over to speak to them." She laughs and before I can stop her, she's making her way over to the big group.

I want to chase after her but I also don't want to be anywhere near them so I just stay planted in my seat. Alone at the bar. I can't really say I'm surprised. I was counting the minutes until Zoey finally gave in and went over to the footballers. She's more comfortable in a big, well known group. She's never liked the whole small group, close friends' business like myself and to be honest I'm kind of surprised we are even friends after high school. I thought she'd get rid of me considering I've always felt like she's only friends with me because I've always been there when she needed me the most. When all her other friends didn't give a crap about her or they were the reason she would be upset.

I guess she's just kept me around because I'm loyal. I don't know and to be honest I don't really care.

I look back over to check on her after a good five minutes and of course, she's chatting away with the guys and girls at the back booths. She's definitely a social butterfly and I'm guessing it won't be long before she starts hanging with them most of the time.

After a while of her still being over there and me still alone at the booth I had moved to a few minutes ago, I check my phone and message Ronnie to see if she's okay. That call was extremely random and she was acting kind of weird when me and Zoey were catching up.

No reply, so I put my phone on the table and look back up. Still talking and being the star of the show because she has literally most of the people's attention except for the three guys laughing at something and seeming to be having a good time at the pool table. One of which is Daniel. I can't take my eyes off him. He's very attractive to say the least, but I've seen attractive guys before. My high school was full of them but I don't know what it is about Daniel. He just piques my interest.

He hasn't seemed to care about my presence since his stare down on me a little bit after he and his friends came in. Of course, he doesn't, what the fuck am I thinking? He doesn't even know me.

The door opens again and I look up. The place is starting to get loud and packed now that it's after nine o'clock.

More guys and girls my age head in. I guess this place really is just for college students. There's not one person in this place that looks to be over the age of twenty-Five.

More footballers head to the back of the bar to their designated area. Two girls follow behind the guys and I immediately recognise the dirty blonde-haired girl. She was from the bathroom, Daniels girlfriend. Great.

I get up and with full intent to leave but I can't just leave Zoey here even though she left me alone to talk to her new 'friends'.

Instead of heading to the door, I turn towards the bathrooms. And as I make my way over there, the guys that were sitting next to my booth become overly rowdy and one of them knocks over a drink that was in a server's hand.

The girl apologises immediately to the preppy dude who just shrugs her off and continues his conversation with his friend.

I reach for the cups that fell and pick them up for her.

"Oh, you don't have to do that." She doesn't meet my gaze when she wiped the floor with her rag.

"No, I wanted to. Some people can be so rude." I give the guy an evil eye as we both stand but he doesn't seem to notice.

She chuckles and takes the cups from my grasp. "Yeah, you get used to it." She's a petite little thing. A few inches shorter than me.

"I'm Olivia by the way."

"Elena." She shakes my hand but slowly walks back to the bar and places her tray on the bench. "This place can get a little rowdy around this time. Do you have friends coming? I saw you sitting alone before."

"Oh, I'm here with my friend. She's over there." I point to Zoey and the footballers. I try my hardest not to look at Daniel but I can't help it. He's stuck in the middle of a booth with multiple girls around him. Talking him up. His attention seems to be mostly on his friend to his left, though. Like he's not really interested in what the beautiful red head next to him has to say.

"Oh, I see. She a cheerleader?" She lets out a little chuckle when I roll my eyes.

"Soon. I have no doubt in that." I change the subject. Not really wanting to talk further about it. "So, this place is nice. How long have you worked here?"

"Since my freshman year. So, one year now"

"Oh, wow. You attend North Ryde?"

"Yeah, sophomore, got the job to show my parents that I could provide for myself without their money all the time." Independent. I respect that.

"I was thinking of doing the same actually. My dad usually pays for everything and I feel like I need to start growing up, you know. Open my horizons. Experience new things. Be independent for once, I guess." I give a little shrug and lean against the bar.

"Well, why don't you apply to work here?"

"Here? Oh, I don't know..."

"Why not? It pays well, I would train you and we need new staff anyways. It's an easy gig, plus you would see your friends all the time. This is the local hangout for North Ryde students, you're a North Ryde student, too, right?" I give her a little nod. "Well, the offer is there if you want it."

I hesitate a moment but then I nod again. "Alright, what do I have to do to apply?"

"Oh, nothing really, I'll tell my boss about you and that you're a student needing a job and then you could talk to him when he's free for a short interview. You look like you're a good sort. You'll get the job easy." Her smile is bright and excitement fills her eyes. "He might be free now come with me." She leads me to the back of the bar with a tight grip on my wrist.

The guy was nice. His name was jerry and he had a balding head and a beer belly. He told me that his son manages the bar and that he'd call me in a few days with whether I got the job or not. I had no idea that walking into this bar that I'd be going for a short ten-minute interview with the owner for a job while waiting on my flaky friend to quite with the jocks and come back to me.

I end up walking towards the bathroom again since Elena had to get back to work. I've had way too many drinks. Non-alcoholic after Zoey left, so I need the bathroom stat. I end up having to push people out of the way because this place has gotten even more crowded if possible.

Once I'm done in the bathroom, I slip out the door without even having to look up I can sense his presence.

Daniel leans on the wall opposite to the door, arms crossed with a smirk on his face.

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