09: Wednesday

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"Holy cow!" Exclaimed Joan, as a bullet flew past that was previously aiming at Luther, hitting the hood of the car

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"Holy cow!" Exclaimed Joan, as a bullet flew past that was previously aiming at Luther, hitting the hood of the car. She scans around finding for Five who was next to her, only to find no signs of him.

"Five!" She yelled scanning around the site, but to no avail.

"Five?" Luther said when she heard her yell. Joan gave the same expression to him.

The ice cream truck crashes into the blue car.

Hazel and Cha Cha stagger to get up to their feet. Luther held out the fake briefcase, "come and get it!" and toss the briefcase to the other side, as Cha Cha ran towards it.

Joan puts her hand on her shoulder where the squirrel was once at, only to feel nothing, "Chip?" She called, Joan fumbles on her jacket, "sugar..." she cursed, "Chip, where are you??"

Klaus slides the door of the ice cream truck open, he jumps down almost losing his balance, and grabs hold of Diego "Come on, come on," he said and lays Diego's arm on his neck.

"Wait, my shoes hurt," grunts Diego as he limps out of the truck. Luther grips Diego on the other side as they hobble as fast as they could to the black car while continuing to bicker at each other.

Hazel swipes the gun that was on the field and points at them, his finger was about to pull the trigger when he feels sharpness sinking into his flesh like firecrackers. "Ah!" He shrieked, he sees a bulge forming out of his shirt.

Hazel slaps the spot to get rid of it, the thing scurries down to his pants as the furred rodent escaped and ran away.

"Chip!" Joan shouted, the squirrel whips its head to her.

Hazel sees Joan, and he grabs the gun that was on the fields.

"Okay, go, go Luther!" Klaus yelled.

Luther aimed his foot to the pedal when he abruptly halted.

"What the fuck are you doing, Luther!?" Diego retorted.

"We forgot Jo," he answered. The three of them whip their heads behind the car and noticed Joan crouching on the road waiting for the squirrel as it gallops towards her. Their eyes then switched to the other side revealing Hazel holding up the gun with his finger dangerously close to the trigger.

Their hearts dropped to their stomach, "oh shit," Luther cursed, he shifts the gear and swerved backward.

"C'mon, Chip, come on," She mumbled, beads of sweat trickle down her head and neck.

"Everybody duck down!" Ordered Luther, Klaus, and Diego hunched down from their seats.

The squirrel hops into her palms, when Luther yanks the car around, having its butt to swift in front of Hazel. Hazel covered himself with his arms.

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