10: Never Happened

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18 years ago.

Vanya swung her bow up and down as her fingers dances on the board of the fiddle elegantly. 

Joan sits on her bed in Vanya's room, with a large paper and a  box of oil crayons, and a parrot peering on the headboard of the bed,   as she drew the lines and details onto the green exotic bird.

The same green parrot flew to the bed, it bents its head to have a  closer look and wiggling its feet from the sight of it. It picks one  crayon out of the box, "Basil, no." Scolded Joan, and took the crayon away from its bill.

Joan whines, "I'm bored, can we go out and get ice cream?" She glances at Vanya.

She lays down her violin, "Joan, you know we're not allowed to. Dad will be angry if he finds out." Vanya said.

Joan blows a raspberry, "I don't understand why, should we always  wait for Saturdays to do anything we want." She argued, "it's like every action is controlled on us. And you know what's a similar place to  here?"

Vanya innocently shakes her head.

"Prison," Joan answered.

Vanya rolls her eyes and continues playing the violin. None of them spoke a word.

"Mind playing a song, instead of your fingering exercises?" Joan blurted out.

"Yeah, there's one I've been working on recently." She gushed.

"Cool, wanna hear it." Joan gave Vanya an encouraging smile.

Vanya smiled back at her, as she wielded the bow strumming the violin, and swayed herself left and right.

Soon, Joan began to do the same, and moved herself to the melody,  as the bird follows too. Joan feels a static coming from her head all the way to her chest. She dismissed the tingling sensation, as she is already used to it.

Vanya squints her eyes as she transitions to the sharp and flat tones of the music. The deep and contorting melody fills their ears.

Joan follows the mood whichever the music piece follows. She recalls memories from the past that had caused strong emotions, with her continuing to color her art piece as her mood swings played in her.

The melody gradually fills the atmosphere out of Vanya's violin,  becoming louder and louder. An aggressive flapping sound caught their ear but none of them are bothered.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew into the environment, and they heard roaring bashes and turned their attention in an instance when feathered figures darted crashing to the window, whilst shattered the glass of Vanya's room.

It then stops once Vanya is halted from playing and Joan being taken back from her daydream.

Vanya and Joan glanced at each other, neither have a clue of what just happened. They were just in time when audible footsteps coming to them.

Sir Reginald barged into Vanya's room, they instinctively stood up straight side by side from the sight of him.

"What is this monstrosity??" He hissed.

The girls lowered their heads down.

"Have you taken your medicines?" he asked.

They peered at each other with their eyes. "No," "Not yet, sir." They replied at the same time.

Reginald huffs and he pounded his cane, making them flinch, "this  is a very intolerant mistake!" He boomed, "I must say that I am very furious by your forgetfulness. Now, swear an oath to me that this will  never happen again."

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