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AN: feel free to skip this part


The three nuns strutted next to each other as they go through the graveled corridor. One of the nuns opened the room which leads to the kitchen.

"Have you made your morning prayers, Sister Gloria?" A nun washing the dishes asked. "Yes, thank you for asking" she replied with a smile.

Gloria washes her hands on the sink and dried them on her apron, as she peered on to the schedule that sticks onto the beige concrete wall. After reading it, she pulls up a chunk of dough and rolls it flat on the board, "morning communion will be starting in an hour" she chimed.

"Mm-hmm" one of the nuns responded, she puckered her lips and stopped for a moment from the host baking machine. "Sister Gloria" she started.


"I was wondering if you would like to come to be a part of Saint Mary's Orphanage," she said.

"Oh." She turned her head to see her briefly and carried on molding, and putting the flat dough on to the baking machine.

"They need child caregivers, and I was thinking that maybe you would like to volunteer as one. Just a thought."

She let out a smile, "sure, I feel like I would." The other nun hummed in reply. Soon, other nuns came into the kitchen, all saying their hellos and off to their jobs.

After creating several molds, she felt a tingling feeling coming from her stomach, as it began to ache. "Sister Gloria?" A nun asked. She excused herself and rushed out of the kitchen straight to the bathroom.

She splashed her face with water and had a look in the mirror, seeing her pale skin. Gloria took heaves of big breaths while holding the rim of the porcelain sink when suddenly she feels a roundish shape protruding out of her abdomen. When her eyes moved down, she gasped to see her big belly, and stumbled backward to the corner of the bathroom, shortly she feels liquid streaming down to her foot.

Gloria let out a piercing scream.

Her screech led many nuns to run to her aid. She was carefully lied down on the floor guarded with towels and cushions.

Gloria shudders uncontrollably, from shrieks after shrieks, she inhaled a big breath and exhaled sharply. The cry of a baby fills the room, and one of the nuns held it in her arms.

"It's a girl," she said, and hand the baby over to Gloria.

She felt joy, but confusion outweighs her the most. Her sight began to blur as the room darkens before her.

 Her sight began to blur as the room darkens before her

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AN: did a grammar revision.

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