03: Feels

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30 years ago

St. Mary Orphanage for girls.

The nun walked quietly through the hallway of the orphan's dormitory until she had reached the massive wooden door with a rusted pull handle. Carefully, she let the door ajar, allowing a ray of light illuminate the darkness, lies a cradle in the middle of the room with an infant sleeping soundly. The room only had three opened tiny windows close to the ceiling with not much access to the light.

"There she is" whispered she.

"Marvelous, is the mother still around?" the man wearing a monocle asked.

"No, the mother had died after childbirth" she sighs. When she opens the door wider, a flapping motion was heard, revealing birds from many kinds, landed on the baby's crib. A rattling sound was also heard as they looked down and saw snakes slithering on the floor. The nun gulped and closed the door back. "Now as you see, mister Hargreeves, this child is almost absurd"

"-It's a demon baby," a voice of a girl said behind them with her arms crossed.

"Laila, don't say that" she scolds at the girl. And continues speaking the man, "the baby had scared the rest of the nuns who took care of the orphanage. Many were injured from the child's cry that made the local orphanage cats turned wild and aggressive, as well as many assumed docile animals." She shakes her head, "so the baby had been locked away where it is unbothered."

Reginald was captivated by her explanation. "Fascinating..." he scratched his beard, "now how much for the child?"

16 years later

"Sorry I'm late" she dashed down the stairs to the dining table.

"Number eight!" Reginald exclaimed, "late again"

"I'm sorry" she repeated. She pulled out a chair and sat next to him at the end of the long table, as it is the only available seat.

"So what've you been doing?" Number Three asked. Her anxiety erupted, "w-wa-was just doing errands."

"Probably talking to ants," remarked Number Two.  The kids broke into laughter, and Number Eight's face grew red from embarrassment. Reginald  clinked his cup, "silence now" he bellowed, "and let's eat, shall we."

The dining table dims back into silence, as they ate. Five made a scene. He stabbed his knife onto the table, causing everyone to jump. "Number five!" declared Reginald.

"I have a question" Five said coldly, as he interlocked his hand together.

"Knowledge is an admirable goal, but you know the rules, no talking during mealtime, you are interrupting Herr Carlson" Reginald insisted. Five shoved his food away and spoke "I want to time travel."  But Reginald refused his request.

Number Seven and Eight exchanged a look to each other, signaling to each  other 'this is bad.' Five got up from his seat, "I have been practicing my spatial jumps, just like you said" he retorted back. Five disappeared and appeared right next to their dad. "See?"

"A spatial jump is trivial when compared to the unknowns of time travel" he paused taking a cup, "one is like sliding along the ice, the other is a kin descending blindly to the depths of the freezing water,  and reappearing as an acorn," he finished with a sip of his wine.

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