01: Peregrine

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She raised her arm to the air, and let the peregrine land, whilst clutching the leather glove she wore, the crowds cheered before her and applause filled the entire stadium. She and other zookeepers bowed down, and waved before the audiences, as the seats emptied themselves.

The zookeepers and the MC formed together in a circle, "alright! That's a wrap guys!" the MC exclaimed, and they gathered their hands together "GO...!! RANGERS!!" they bellowed in unison.

"Hey, that was awesome!" One of them complimented. She let out a nervous laugh, "that was nothing"

"Oh c'mon! You're always like that. I mean, that bird? That almost seemed impossible to tame, you did it right away with no problem" he punched her playfully on the shoulder, "you should teach me one day"

She casually rolled her eyes at him. It is coming to dusk, she took the public bus and arrived at her house. She tossed her zoo vest on the hanger, picks up a can of beer, and threw herself on the couch. She rested her eyes and examines the ceiling with a portrait of her family portrait, and grunts from the looks of it,

She picks up the remote and turned on the television, letting the first channel roll. She opens the can and chugs huge gulps from it, as the television spoke: We are saddened to hear the death of billionaire Sir Reginald Hargreeves. The reporter said. She paused drinking and scrutinizes the breaking news.

She could not believe her eyes. Endless thoughts rushed in her mind, from thinking about her brothers and sisters that she had not seen a decade or more, and know that hearing her father's passing, had already given her a reason to meet them. Her heartfelt bitter, then her face began to feel hot.

There's no way I'm going back to that place, she thought. She continues to chug the beer can empty, and crushed it in her grasp. She walks to her fridge again and pulled another beer can as she drank-- pushing the memories and thoughts into the dark corner of her mind.

She finished her second can and lied both her hands on her head, and closed her eyes once more for a minute to digest the new information. She hears a chirping noise and swiped her attention to her guinea pig.

She came to the cage and lifted the guinea pig on her hand, and hugs gently close to her chest, "it's okay, Lonnie" she whispered, "I'm here." The flashback of her other guinea pig who died naturally made her heartache. She puts the guinea pig back in the cage. "I promise, I'll get you a new friend."


"You're early" the janitor of the veterinary noted.

"Yeah, totally" she responded and took off her jacket.

"Also, I'm sorry for your loss. My deep condolences."

She smirked briefly, "thank you, Richie," she remarked. "And... I was wondering if you could do me a favor."

Richie's eyes widened, "anything," he said. She pulled out the cover of a rectangular shape object and revealed the guinea pig.

"Hey..." Richie gasped, he bowed lower to look, "omg how's a-going?" he talked to the guinea pig and letting out squeaky noises.

"Listen I know you are pretty familiar with guinea pigs too, so I'm thinking if you could take care of Lonnie"

"Oh. Of course" he gushed, he holds the cage and lifted to his eye level,

"And don't worry I'll pay all of the things that you get for him once I get back to pick him up." She paused, "also, if you can, please find him a friend"

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