Chapter 29

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About a week had passed before I got let out of the hospital. They weren't very pleased about me going so soon, but technically I was healed, and I was going crazy being locked in there all the time. The highlight of every day would be when Katsuki came by to check up on me and stayed with me for hours because then I didn't feel as lonely and captured as I did when he wasn't there since he made me feel calm. Honestly, I was beginning to get used to the whole mate thing so far. Technically people probably haven't noticed that I was still processing everything since we had been so busy, but the week just staying inside with nothing to do really has given me time to think and get used to it. One thing I was still nervous about was the heat. Now only Katsuki would be affected, and so far, the one time I had it, he held himself back, but at some point, they were both not gonna be able to wait any longer. My body wanted to be close to him. Wanted him in so many ways, but at the same time, I wasn't sure if my heart was ready for anything like that.

all the thoughts were brought to an end when a sixth sense made him look up seeing Katsuki enter the room. "Ready to go? or wanna be lazy for a couple of days longer?" He teased, but I jumped down from the bed I had been sitting and waiting on, walked over, and hugged him happily. He hugged me back with a smile. it felt like we both had missed each other more than we thought we had because none of us wanted to let go. after I little while, we did. "Midoriya came by earlier saying dorms were being set up. Is that true?" I asked, excited for it since that would mean living closer to Katsuki and all my friends. "It is true, and that is where I was gonna take you. Too bad little Deku had to ruin the surprise" The last thing was more of a mumble, but I still caught it. he still really didn't like Midoriya all that much, even if he tried to hide it a little around me since I was friends with him. "Come on, it's fine! You get to show me the rooms first," I said excitedly, and Katsuki nodded with something like a smirk on his face as if he was hiding a detail he was happy about. it honestly confused me. "What is it, you know?" I asked, pouting a little, looking up at him. He chuckled and ruffled my hair. "Well, let's go so you can see it for yourself," He said with a secretive smile as he took my hand and led me out the door.

All the way, I had been trying to get him to tell me what he knew, but he just kept silent. At some point, he got slightly irritated because I kept bugging him, so he whispered something in my ear, making me shut up immediately and blush from ear to ear, and we kept walking. When we finally got there, I forgot everything about being embarrassed as my excitement went through the roof as I looked up at the big dorm building in awe. I started almost pulling Katsuki with me, as I wanted to get inside as quickly as possible, but I couldn't actually pull him since he was stronger than me, so I am pretty sure he let me pull him along.

Inside I was almost jumping up and down in excitement and energy. I hadn't been out of the hospital for over a week, so I had plenty of unused energy. "Come on, Katsuki, you slowpoke!" I pouted as he walked way too slow for my taste since I wanted to see my room as fast as possible. "Calm down, little pup. I can think of way better things to use all that energy for," He said with a teasing smirk, making me blush instantly as my thoughts went to some 18+ stuff and crazy fantasies. man, I hate when it builds up like that. "Meanie, that isn't appropriate!" I said at him, pouting, but he just chuckled, apparently enjoying my embarrassment. "I never said that it was dirty stuff though, little pervert~" He teased, smiling knowingly at me, making me realize he was right and making me blush even more intensely. "Shut up!" I said, embarrassed, rubbing my face trying to rub the red away from my cheeks.

He suddenly stopped in front of a door, stopping me with a grip on my shoulder. "it is here," he said with a gentle smile. He opened the door and walked in like he owned the place. When I walked in, I noticed he, in a way, actually did. I recognized some of his clothes on the floor, and everything smelled very much of him. His cologne and shampoo and just his natural smell were everywhere, making the heat in my body build up longingly. I quickly shook my head to calm myself down and get my mind out of the gutter as I walked in a little further to notice an empty closet and a double bed with an extra pillow and blanket. I just stood there and looked at it for a little silent while everything went into place, and my face slowly heated up. "W-Wait, are we gonna live here together?..." I asked him, not sure about how I should feel. my heart was beating faster, and I got more nervous yet happy, at the same time as Katsuki nodded with a satisfied smile. "We are mates, so the school decided to put us in a room together. Btw our room is the only one that is, soundproof" The last detail he said with a smirk making my face heat up even more. My brain went into panic mode for a second before I calmed down. Heart, calm down, for god's sake! I thought to myself as it was beating like crazy. "I-I think I need a shower..." I said nervously before hurrying out the door leaving Katsuki chuckling in the room. "How adorable," he said to himself, looking at the door I ran out of.

Kinda a creative thing on my part to make them get a room together like this, but I remember a few saying they would want some 18+ sexy content at some point, so I thought, why not? It is not there yet because honestly, it is gonna be pretty embarrassing to write for me because so many people can end up reading it. If you people still want it, I will give it though of course :3

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