heatwave chapter 8

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my god I'm tired.. my friend snores SO FUCKING LOUD! and it has kept me up the most of the night! I'm trying to concentrate but don't be surprised if this chapter is more crappy that the others! btw thanks for reading! I'm so happy somebody actually wanna read this shit! but moving on..

Nurses office~~(your pov)~~

after we came to the nurse's office I was laid down on a bed and given some suppresses pills (is it that it's called?) and a glass of water. I took the pills with the water quickly. it didn't work immediately of course but there was some time before my next match so I hoped the pills would work by then so I could fight the next person. I didn't even remember who I was up against next but right now I didn't care much about that. bakugo was sitting beside the bed on a chair keeping an eye on me. "just asking but how are you not infected by the pheromones yet?" I asked out of curiosity. he stopped looking at his hands in his lap and looked up at me. I noticed his face was red. "trust me ! they still fucking work.. this is torture!" he kinda yelled out looking stressed and kinda flustered? my eyes darted down looking at his lap kinda covered by his hands and looked up fast again totally red in the face. "oh okay.." I said looking away from him. "if it's hard to be here you don't have to.." I said looking up at him again but avoiding eye contact. "nah I'm gonna stay or else there might come an other alpha and harass you and that happens then I can't beat you later!" he said with a smirk. "if these suppresses pills work good enough you're dead" I said with a smile and he just grinned. "we'll see" he said with his grin.

"(Y/N)!!!!!" i heard someone yell as the door smashed open and midoriya and Uraraka and iida rushed inside. I jumped a little in surprise but smiled when I saw their worried faces. "hey guys.." I said sitting up on the bed. suddenly iida took his hand up to his nose looking pale. "this smell! s-sorry I got to go!" he said and ran out of the room midoriya and Uraraka looking after him. I giggled a little and they all looked at me confused except bakugo that seemed to be asleep in his chair. "I didn't know he was an alpha.. welp could someone open a window? my scent seemes to be a little strong in here right now" I said sweat dropping.  hopefully the supressents have stopped  his scent now and it was just because his scent was piled up in the room. he felt better, still a little weak but much better than before. midoriya nodded and went over and opened a big window. while he did that it seemed like Uraraka scanned me from injuries. "so you are okay? what was wrong? where you really getting in heat like President Mic yelled about?" she asked fast. I smiled a little. "yes I'm okay now and it was just my heat and yes I got it mid battle. bad timing don't ya think?" I said still smiling a little. "are you an omega!?!" midoriya yelled weirdly shocked. I just nodded. "I'm a strong omega tho.. at least stronger than most! especially when it comes to my heat. I only get as weak as normal if there's an alpha close to me but as long there is no alpha close I can suppress my heat for without supressents pills" I said looking at bakugo that still seemed to sleep rather peacefully. "my scent is still the same tho" I added and looked back at them with a smile. "midoriya to the duel ground!" we heard aizawa say loudly over the speaker's. how is bakugo still sleeping??? "well I gotta go then!" he said standing up rushing to get out the door. "me too! i need to prepare and warm up!" Uraraka with determination in her eye's. when they were gone I laid down trying to rest a little before my next match. wasn't I up against bakugo next? oh boy...

sorry kinda short and bad but I'm tired and can't really concentrate so this is the shit you get today.. more or less a fill in chapter but well I tried despite me being fucking tired and annoyed by someone snoring in my ear.. btw it's like 6 am here and I haven't got any sleep at all and today I need to go to school... god damit! wish me luck! and good night

word count: 789

Kacchan x male reader omegaverseKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat